Did You Ever Want to Watch Seth Rollins Eat Cotton Candy During a Match? Here You Go:

Wrestling is a tough sport. WWE Superstars work nearly 365 days a year, taking a considerable toll [...]

Wrestling is a tough sport. WWE Superstars work nearly 365 days a year, taking a considerable toll on their minds and bodies. Sometimes, you gotta have a little fun.

At a recent RAW Live event, Rollins tagged with his former Shield compadre (and possible new friend) Dean Ambrose against the Miz and his Miztourage.

For some reason, Maryse was munching on cotton candy at ringside. Once the referee tossed her for being her awful self, she dropped her treat.

But it did not stay idle for long.

Rollins got dumped from the ring, and while recovering, he enjoyed Maryse's discarded snack:

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It's nice to see the Kingslayer having some fun. The past two years for Rollins have been rough as he has had to come back from not 1 but 2 knee injuries.

Rollins recently took part in an interview with The Cage where he addressed his past and future, so the knee injury that changed his career naturally came up. Rollins said that the injury, which saw him tear his ACL, MCL, and meniscus, caused him to doubt himself for the first time in his career.

"It was a pretty devastating knee injury with the ACL, MCL, meniscus all getting ripped and having to be surgically repaired. There's a lot of doubt as far as where do I fit in when I come back? Can I physically handle the wear and tear of what we do? Am I going to be the same performer I was before? Am I going to be skittish? A lot of confidence needed to be rebuilt from a lot of different areas, and I'm still working on that, but at the same time I do think a lot of those questions have been answered so for me that was probably the one time in the last six, seven, or eight years where I've really been like 'can I go compete at the level I want to compete at?'"

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Athletes often comment on the mental aspect of performing again after suffering an injury like this that can happen without any physical contact and out of nowhere. Rollins suffered the injury while executing a routine sunset flip out of the corner, something he has done hundreds (if not thousands) of times throughout his career.

It was evident watching Rollins during his initial return in 2016 that he was a little skittish about his recovered knee. Though he did still use many of the same high flying moves that he did prior to the injury, there was a noticeable drop in the frequency of some of them. One certainly can't blame him for that.

Rollins now finds himself back in full swing with a red hot Dean Ambrose. All signs point to this 2/3's Shield reunion party winning the RAW Tag Team Championships at SummerSlam.