WWE Reportedly Using Ronda Rousey to Boost Lackluster Elimination Chamber Sales

Now that Ronda Rousey is officially a WWE Superstar, Vince McMahon and Co. hope she'll become an [...]

Now that Ronda Rousey is officially a WWE Superstar, Vince McMahon and Co. hope she'll become an infinite stream of revenue. And her first test as WWE's newest cash cow will come at Elimination Chamber.

According to NoDQ, ticket sales for Elimination Chamber have been underwhelming. It's being reported that as of earlier this week, WWE had only moved 8,000 tickets for a venue that holds 18,000 people. In an effort to boost sales, WWE reportedly added Rousey's contract signed to the show.

Elimination Chamber is an important pay-per-view. With the novelties of both a men's and women's Chamber match, each with massive WrestleMania implications, you'd think that this is a show that would not have trouble garnering intrigue. But if those ticket sales are accurate, deploying their secret weapon in Rousey isn't a terrible idea.

It's impossible to know how true this is, but it certainly would be a savvy move by WWE. Historically speaking, WWE contract signings always end in fireworks, and it would be foolish to assume Rousey's would be pedestrian.

Rousey prospective WrestleMania match will be huge. To make sure it balloons properly WWE will need to start building it as soon as possible. It appears that Elimination Chamber marks the starting line for her road to WrestleMania and before the show closes we'll likely have a good idea as to who her WrestleMania foe will be.

While it's still early to guarantee, all indicators point to Stephanie teaming with Triple H to take on Ronda Rousey and a teammate that has yet to be determined. At the moment, early favorite includes Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, and The Rock as tag team partners for Ronda Rousey in the former UFC champion's first ever WWE match.

If you've been following the news, you'd know that Stephanie has made a few headlines this week. A story recently surfaced claiming WWE brought in Ronda Rousey in hope of using her star power to elevate Stephanie McMahon. While that seems a little counter-intuitive, the McMahon family is not afraid of any extra attention.

WWE will book Ronda Rousey to the moon. This is hardly a novel concept as WWE tends to do this when they get a bankable star. But Rousey is a rare commodity that promises even rarer profits. Her opportunities and accomplishments will be infinite and according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, much of Rousey's triumphs will hinge upon Stephanie McMahon. As one of the best heels in the company, Steph is the perfect, if not the only, option WWE has to get Rousey a favorable standing with their audience. Their chemistry will play a big part in the future of the company

We'll keep you posted as this story develops, but expect Rousey's appearance at Elimination Chamber to kick off a WrestleMania chain reaction.

Photo: WWE