Ricochet Expected to Sign with WWE Soon

Independent wrestling star, Ricochet, has ignited the squared circle across the globe. Whether as [...]

Independent wrestling star, Ricochet, has ignited the squared circle across the globe. Whether as an integral part of New Japan Wrestling or as "Prince Puma" in Lucha Underground, Ricochet has become a global sensation. And he expected to be joining WWE in the near future.

A report from Wrestling News World claims that after Ricochet finishes his duties with New Japan, Lucha Underground, and his various independent bookings that he will be signing his WWE contract. However, due to a 90-day no compete for clause, he would not be able to debut until January.

His speculative WWE arrival gained momentum after he lost his IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship this Monday which furthers the logic that his time in Japan is likely done. Even more, Lucha Underground's Season 3 finale airs October 18th.

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Ricochet actually corroborated this evidence earlier t this summer in an interview with Sports Illustrated.

"My contract finished last June. I'm on the no-compete for the rest of Lucha Underground's season three, then I have 90 days after that. I can be on any TV as long as it's not American TV. I can work indies, I can do iPPVs, most anything, really, just not on American TV. I'm not sure about a Season 4 with Lucha Underground. I'm busy until October, and I might take November off to heal up again. I really want to work on my diet and get myself in the best shape possible," he said.

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Some elementary deduction lets us know that Wrestling News World's story and Ricochet's quotes correlate all too well. WWE has been rumored to covet the high flyer and his arrival seems inevitable.

At 29 years old, Ricochet has plenty of juice left in his tank. If you're unfamiliar with him, we can promise you he is much better looking now than he is in the above photo with Triple H (who actually looked good as a teenager, anyway?). Ricochet is immensely talented and owns one of the most uniquely explosive arsenals in all of the professional wrestling. At 5'10" and just under 200 pounds, it's unlikely he'll be pinning Brock Lesnar, however, Finn Balor was the first Universal Champion.

We'll keep you posted on this story as it develops but be on the lookout for a WWE press release announcing Ricochet's signing here in the next few weeks.