Ric Flair Makes First Public Comments Since Health Scare

For weeks now, the wrestling community has had to rely on second-hand information regarding Ric [...]

For weeks now, the wrestling community has had to rely on second-hand information regarding Ric Flair's current health battle. However this morning, we heard directly from the Nature Boy himself.

In a tweet, Flair effectively communicated on his own status for the first time. Here's what he had to say:

"Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been, to stand up taller than you ever were. Naitch WILL be back! 🙏"

While we were hoping for a video of him WOOO'ing like a mad man, this will do just fine. It's as relieving as it is encouraged to see the Nature Boy directly communicating with us.

Earlier this morning, his fiancée Wendy Barlow posted the following to her Facebook page:

"I wanted to update everyone on Ric's progress as So many people have been reaching out and offering their Prayers and Support. He is doing very well for a Man who has been through so much! He will begin Physical Therapy shortly and will be stronger than ever and back out enjoying all the fans sooner than you would think. I can Honestly say I have witnessed a Miracle."

Barlow has been the beacon of truth during Flair's medical saga as she has been one of the few reliable sources for the public. There have been episodes of misinformation about Flair, but what we do know is that he had a serious surgery that left him on kidney dialysis and in critical condition.

Barlow posted this about two weeks ago:

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It was nice to have a primary source for Flair's situation. For the most part, the media has been kept in the dark and has had to operate off of nothing more than tea leaves.

Charlotte Flair has also helped the wrestling community by letting us in on her and her family's situation.

"Hi guys, On behalf of my family and I, we want to THANK everyone for the prayers, texts, calls, and support. Our Dad is a FIGHTER and your continued thoughts and prayers MEAN THE WORLD to us.We will update everyone when we have more information."

It looks like Flair is finally out of the woods and we can switch from cautious optimism to all out optimism. Now is the appropriate time to open your front door and "WOOOOOOOO!"

Photo Credit: WWE