Jim Cornette and Santino Marella Get Into Expletive Ridden Altercation (Video)
Even though Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens put on an entertaining display of violence at Hell in a [...]
Even though Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens put on an entertaining display of violence at Hell in a Cell, the weekend's best fight came from former WWE employees Jim Cornette and Santino Marella
At the XICW Cobo Legends Convention in Detroit, Michigan the former co-workers got into an argument that could put even the filthiest of vocabularies to shame. Naturally, the incident was caught on camera (thanks to Shaun Sisk) and the vaulted ceilings amplified every R-rated syllable.
Here's your warning: this contains an abundance of explicit language.
As you watch, you'll notice that you're missing a little context. Cornette references Santino's career, one that he had a hand in developing. However their relationship never really grew due to an incident back in 2005.
12 years ago, Cornette was running WWE's development program Ohio Valley Wrestling. Santino was there at the time as was the early version of the Boogeyman. In a segment that was supposed to make the Boogyman look creepy, Santino was caught laughing instead of acting afraid. This breach of the character sent OVW's boss, Cornette into a tailspin and he would slap Marella for his insolence. WWE promptly fired Cornette for his poor decision.
Needless to say, things have likely been icy between Cornette and Marella ever since and this weekend's incident stems from past resentment. The altercation never got physical and Cornette left the venue on his own accord.
Sorry to anyone I missed at Cobo, some comedy midget wanted me to slap him AGAIN so he could sue since he's unemployed. Walked out instead. https://t.co/ezgCj7mqLV
— Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette) October 7, 2017
HA! Moron, I was being thrown IN--going back to get my stuff they wouldn't let me in room w/Midget w/out escort. I left--they took him out. https://t.co/Zm5xZrXLkM
— Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette) October 9, 2017
As testy as things became, the situation never escalated to violence, so we can commend the men for that. But that's about all the applause we'll be giving.