Dolph Ziggler Joins RAW and Gets a Tag Team Partner

Of all the WWE Superstars, no one has had a weirder 2018 than Dolph Ziggler. However, the [...]

Of all the WWE Superstars, no one has had a weirder 2018 than Dolph Ziggler. However, the Superstar Shake-Up just granted him a fresh start—The Show Off is officially on RAW.

However, it looks like he'll be joining the tag team ranks. His partner? Former NXt Champion and freshly healed Drew McIntyre. The new duo immediately laid waste to Titus Worldwide, conveying to the WWE Universe that they could be future RAW Tag Team Champions.

Most of Ziggler's career has been in the ranks of singles competition. No one would deny his success or talent, but it's been evident for some time that WWE doesn't have much for him as just Dolph Ziggler.

It appeared that Ziggler was ready for a renaissance after nabbing the Us Championship in December, but when he simply handed that trophy over—with no payoff—we were all left to scratch our heads.

After vacating the title, Ziggler took a hiatus that ended in an anticlimactic return at the Royal Rumble. Ziggler was eliminated in mere minutes and stagnation officially set in. He didn't do much in the road to WrestleMania and was relegated to the Andrew the Giant Battle Royal.

However now that he's on RAW, with a compelling tag team partner, Ziggler may be getting that career reboot we were anticipating this winter. In his veteran WWE career, Dolph has been a part of some dramatic moment, none bigger than his MITB cash-in on Alberto Del Rio. Perhaps he can bring some of that savvy magic to his new partner, and WWE reboot, McIntyre.

Just a few weeks ago, RAW's tag team picture could not have been thinner. But the weak division took a demonstrable step backward after Bruan Strowman and a 10-year-old boy named Nicholas became Tag Champs at WrestleMania 34. But to seal the deal on the state of the division, the newly crown champs handed over the belts the next night on RAW.

However, a resuscitation is already underway. Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy, The Authors of Pain, and Breezango have all joined the ranks and all of a sudden, RAW's tag team division has a little meat to it.

This story is developing...