Big Tag Team Title Match Confirmed for WrestleMania

03/27/2018 11:22 pm EDT

Just 12 days out from WrestleMania 34, the card continues to come together quite nicely. That continued Tuesday night on SmackDown as a tag team title bout was confirmed for the biggest show of the year.

As suspected now for several weeks, WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos will defend their belts against The New Day and The Bludgeon Brothers in a triple threat match. The match has been built toward for several weeks now, as the Usos and New Day rekindled their feud from last year in recent months while the Bludgeons continued to be built up as legitimate threats elsewhere on the card. Eventually when the Bludgeon Brothers started eyeing up both the Usos and New Day during some tense moments on the way to the ring, it was clear an eventual title match at WrestleMania was where things were heading.

In recent weeks, that tension turned physical with all three teams eventually brawling, culminating with the Bludgeons savagely attacking both teams during their match at WWE Fastlane.

Tuesday night on SmackDown, The New Day took on the Bludgeon Brothers during the show. Everything broke down when Harper and Rowan tried to attack their opponents with their hammers. This brought out The Usos, who tried to attack the Bludgeon Brothers to prevent the attack, leading to the bout ending in a disqualification.

Following the incident, it was confirmed by WWE that the tag team title match at WrestleMania will be a triple threat involving all of the teams.

Frankly, few wrestlers have been booked as well in recent months as The Bludgeon Brothers. We've already seen that The New Day and The Usos can have tremendous matches together, and although triple threat tag team matches can sometimes be a bit on the clunky side, this one should have the makings for a memorable championship match.

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