John Cena Imitates The Undertaker, Still Receives No Answer

With just 13 days until WrestleMania 34, John Cena is still waiting for an answer from The [...]

With just 13 days until WrestleMania 34, John Cena is still waiting for an answer from The Undertaker.

Cena had been calling out The Undertaker for the past few weeks on Monday Night Raw, calling him a coward for not showing up for another WrestleMania after losing to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33. But at the end of another vicious promo on the March 19 edition of Raw, Cena was greeted in the ring by Undertaker's brother Kane. Thinking he was there to deliver Undertaker's answer via proxy, Cena held up a microphone to Kane only to receive a thunderous chokeslam.

As a result of the attack, a No Disqualification match between the two was booked for this week's main event.

Cena gained the advantage by attacking "The Big Red Machine" with a steel barricade after a commerical break, but Kane returned the favor by suplexing Cena onto the barricade.

Back in the ring Cena regained control of the match by rising to his feet, but the way he did felt very similar to the Undertaker's classic Deadman pose.

He hit his shoulder blocks and Five Knuckle Shuffle on Kane, then tossed him into an exposed barricade. Much to the delight of the fans, he channeled Undertaker again with a throat slash pose and hit Kane with a chokeslam.

Cena set up a table and nearly put Kane trough it with an Attitude Adjustment, but Kane escaped and set up the table in the corner. He tossed Cena through the table with a hard Irish Whip, but Cena kicked out at two.

Kane pulled out another table and attempted a chokeslam, but Cena countered with an AA for the victory.

Cena then grabbed a microphone and looked around, shocked that despite all of his antagonizing "The Phenom" had still done nothing to answer his challenge. Cena cut yet another promo on Undertaker, saying he had just one more episode of Monday Night Raw left before WrestleMania to do something.

"But get the eyes out of the back of your head and look at the energy when they chant 'Yes,' when they chant 'Undertaker,' when they chant 'Do Something' for god's sake," Cena said, looking more and more frustrated.

"Do something! Because now you only have one week left. One week that sums up your entire career. You can do something, or you can do nothing. And if you do nothing, you let me down, you sure as hell let Kane down, but most importantly you made it crystal clear to every single person who has believed in The Undertaker that you do not care about them. You care only about yourself."