“Kayfabe is dead!” cries the Internet Wrestling Community! Brace yourself for the following spoiler: Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns may not actually be mortal enemies.
WWE star Titus O’Neil posted a photo on his Instagram page of he and fellow stars, Sami Zayn, Curtis Axel, Matt Hardy, Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns hanging out at the legendary Roman Colosseum.
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WrestlingInc caught a shot of the image, which you can see below, before it was taken down.
After beating the snot out of each other at last weekend’s Payback, Reigns and Strowman are allegedly set to settle their blood feud at next month’s Extreme Rules pay per view.
In the meantime the two will shop for trinkets in Rome and take photos that will end up in an adorable BFF scrapbook. Maybe.
There was a time where seeing wrestling “good guys” and “bad guys” hanging out together was strictly forbidden.
In 1987, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and The Iron Sheik were arrested marijuana and cocaine possession. The two were riding together and were pulled over during a routine traffic stop. The simple drug bust blew the doors off of pro wrestling’s great illusion of reality.
Oddly enough, in 1987, WWE stars getting popped for drugs wasn’t nearly as alarming as seeing the “American hero” riding with the “evil foreigner.” Duggan and Shiek were immediately fired after the event and fans’ perception of wrestling being real shattered like the Spanish announce table.
Luckily, today’s stars are allowed to let fans see behind the curtain. But I’m sure WWE would rather they not make a habit of vicious rivals buddying up for photo ops.

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