'Price Is Right' Near Perfect Showcase Win Delivers All-Time Reaction From Drew Carey

The surprise was as real as it gets for television.

Drew Carey was left with his jaw on the floor during Friday's The Price is Right during the closing moments of the Showcase Showdown. As reported by Entertainment Weekly, the winner of the latest episode might've made the greatest bid in the history of the show.

Patrice Masse from Grand Prarie, Alberta, Canada found some luck and made his way into the finale, placing a bid that would normally be a disaster and making some history. After hearing about the showcase package that included a Miami vacation and a new car, Masse bid $39,500.

The surprise on Carey's face after he opens the card featuring the answer says it all. Overbidding means doom in the game and Masse came in just under the wire. "So, let me tell ya..." Carey said in the moment. "Thirty-nine thousand, five-oh-ONE. With absolutely no help from anybody in the audience, by the way."

The current rules for the game show are that any contestant who bids within $250 of the actual price without going over wins both showcases. The "Double Showcase Winner" text blasts across the screen in all gold and everybody is stunned by the spot on guess. Carey quickly dubbed the moment the "best Showcase bid" in the show's history and netted Masse $83,068 in prizes between both offerings.

Entertainment Weekly notes that some of his winnings included a Kia K5 GT, trips to Milan, Hawaii and Miami, a new motorcycle, and upper-brand clothing from Versace, Gucci and others.