Brilliant Minds has aired its Season 1 finale, and creator Michael Grassi is sharing his hopes for more. The wait for the Zachary Quinto-led medical drama was a long one, initially in development at Fox back in 2019. NBC then took on the development in 2023, and it was supposed to air during the 2023-24 season but was pushed back due to the strikes. Inspired by late British neurologist Oliver Sacks and his books The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and An Anthropologist on Mars, Brilliant Mars finally premiered last September.
The two-hour season finale aired on Monday and ended with a dramatic twist that will surely change things moving forward. As of now, NBC has yet to reveal the show’s fate, but Grassi, who also serves as showrunner and executive producer, told TheWrap that their “fingers are firmly crossed.”
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“We all love the show so much, and we love making the show, and we just think it’s such an important message and conversation to continue putting out there and continuing destigmatizing mental illness, which is what Oliver Sacks, who the show is inspired by, dedicated his life to,” Grassi continued. “It’s a show that’s also sort of grounded in a lot of hope, and we want to continue sharing those stories.”
Just because a second season hasn’t been confirmed doesn’t mean that Grassi doesn’t already have a plan in place. He shared that due to the season finale, there is “so much to unpack due to the season finale.” He said. “Obviously, there’s Wolf and dad, but there’s so much more, and I would say many more medical mysteries and suspense, and a lot more of Oliver’s unique approach to medicine that feels like it really sets us apart.”
There is certainly a lot more story to tell with Brilliant Minds with the talented cast that also includes Tamberla Perry, Ashleigh LaThrop, Alex MacNicoll, Aury Krebs, Spence Moore II, Teddy Sears, and Donna Murphy. It’s unknown when and if NBC will make the decision, but the season did just come to an end. It’s possible the announcement won’t come for another several weeks or even months. Grassi is not ready for Brilliant Minds to end and has many more ideas to come and one can only hope that NBC is on the same page. For now, though, fans can rewatch Season 1 on Peacock.