There was at least a little good news on this week’s episodes of Game of Thrones, as a beloved couple revealed they are expecting.
Warning! Spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4 lie ahead!
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As the survivors regrouped from the Battle of Winterfell, Sam and Gilly approached Jon Snow in the courtyard. Without a word, she conveyed to Jon that she is carrying Sam’s child. The happy moment was undercut by Sam’s characteristic nervous chatter about how, when and why it happened.
“I’m sure he knows how it happens, Sam,” Gilly said derisively.
The two then told Jon that, if the baby turns out to be a boy, they plan to name it after him. The former King in the North gave them one of his signature reserved smiles.
“I hope it’s a girl,” he joked.
After the quiet announcement, Jon and Same bid each other a sniffly goodbye.
“You’re the best friend I ever had,” Sam said.
“You too, Sam,” Jon answered.
The two sworn brothers are saying goodbye now, and there is no guarantee they will ever see each other again. Sam and Jon met as two of the only high-born boys inducted into the Night’s Watch, and Jon defended his friend against bullies and harsh training. When Jon was named Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, he sent Sam south to Oldtown, hoping he could be trained as the new Maester for the brotherhood. Instead, Sam learned everything he could about the White Walkers and returned to aid in the fight.
Meanwhile, Jon got out of his lifelong vows to the Night’s Watch the only way an honorable man can: by dying. However, this raises an important question about what comes next for Sam. He is technically still sworn to the Night’s Watch, and is bound to “father no children” in his oaths. Furthermore, he should be returning to Wall, where he would choose a new Lord Commander and carry on his watch.
By the looks of it, however, Sam has no intention of going north, or of keeping his oaths. In fact, as far as we know Sam is currently the last surviving member of the Night’s Watch. It could be that he sees his vows as void now that the Night King has been defeated, but some fans think it won’t be that simple.
We will have to tune in for the final two episodes to see how Sam reconciles his oaths. Game of Thrones airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.