Social Media Reacts to President Trump's Orders of Military Strike Against Syria

President Trump announced in a statement on Friday evening that he had ordered the United States [...]

President Trump announced in a statement on Friday evening that he had ordered the United States military to conduct a joint military strike with the United Kingdom and France on Syria.

"Tonight, I ask all Americans to say a prayer for our noble warriors and our allies as they carry out their missions," Trump said. "We pray that God will bring comfort to those suffering in Syria. We pray that God will guide the whole region toward a future of dignity and of peace."

Social media quickly reacted to the news as the strikes began in certain areas of the country. Opinions on the military decision were noticeably divided.

"President Obama declared a red line. But Assad struck, no one acted. President Trump has sent an unmistakable, necessary message - the free world will not allow this," one user wrote.

"What's remarkable is that Theresa May appears to have given prior consent to whatever the White House decided. Donald Trump is not just President of the United States, but also now decides British foreign policy as well. How did we get here again?" another chimed in.

"The US, in cooperation with France and Britain, is bombing Syria's capital of Damascus. This foolish aggression will only cause further destabilization of the Syrian state and empower the Jihadist terrorists," another Twitter user tweeted.

"Confirmed reports that both ships and unmanned aircraft have been used for this strike-I can't stop thinking about the innocent people of Syria who are starting their day right now-reporters say they can hear the call to prayer," one other wrote.

"I pray that God will keep our soldiers safe as we enter war in Syria. Whether you agree or disagree with the decision, we must keep our brave soldiers in our prayers," another tweeted.

"Whether you agree with the [Syria Strikes] or not. Whether you like Trump or not. Whether you're a Republican or Democrat. Pray for our brave men and women in uniform," Dan S. tweeted.