This Singer Stopped His Show to Call out a Man Groping a Woman in the Crowd

Sam Carter of The Architects, a British metalcore band, was recently rocking out at the Lowlands [...]

Sam Carter of The Architects, a British metalcore band, was recently rocking out at the Lowlands music festival in the Netherlands, when he witnessed a woman being sexually assaulted while crowd surfing.

During a pause in between songs, Carter stopped the show to tell off the assailant in the crowd. NPO 3FM, a Dutch radio station, published video of what the singer said and it quickly went viral.

"I saw a girl, a woman, crowdsurfing over here, and I'm not gonna f---ing point the piece of s--t out that did it, but I saw you f---ing grab at her boob. I saw it," Carter said. "It is f---ing disgusting and there is no f---ing place for that shit ... It is not your f---ing body. It is not your f---ing body and you do not f---ing grab at someone. Not at my f---ing show."

"If you feel like doing that again, walk out there, and f--k off, and don't come back," he concluded. "Let's keep this going, let's keep this a f---ing safe place for everybody, and let's have a f---ing good time."

While Carter did not identify the person he saw assault the woman, nor is it clear if the crowd-surfer reported the incident, his speech was met with much acclaim both at the concert and online. Carter retweeted the video on his personal Twitter account, and many fans responded with thankful praise.

Photo Credit: Twitter / @3FM