Officers Carry out Another Search Warrant on Chad Daybell's Property Weeks After Finding Missing Idaho Kids' Remains

Chad Daybell's home was the subject of another search warrant executed by Rexburg Police Monday [...]

Chad Daybell's home was the subject of another search warrant executed by Rexburg Police Monday morning, according to the East Idaho News. Just weeks after police found the remains of Joshua "JJ" Vallow and Tylee Ryan on the Salem, Idaho property, officers reportedly arrived at Daybell's home at around 1:15 p.m. and served paperwork to his son-in-law, who has been living at the home with his family. Police then went into the house and exterior buildings on the property and were seen in the backyard with a camera before leaving around 2:50 p.m.

Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood declined to comment to the East Idaho News about the subject of the search warrant, and it was unclear what police were looking for. The paper did note that the scene was far different than that on June 9, when dozens of officers were on the scene and roads were closed for two days as the property was excavated and the remains of JJ and Tylee were found.

Chad Daybell was arrested that same day and charged with two felony counts of destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence. The children's mother and Daybell's wife, Lori Vallow, is charged with desertion of children and, as of Monday, two counts of conspiracy to commit destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence. Both remain in jail on $1 million bail.

JJ and Tylee were last seen alive in September 2019, just weeks before she and Daybell wed in Hawaii. That wedding came shortly after the death of the doomsday fiction author's wife, Tammy Daybell, which was initially attributed to natural causes and just months after Vallow's fourth husband, Charles, was shot and killed by her brother, Alex Cox, on July 11. Charles' death is under investigation now after initially being attributed to self-defense, but Cox died in December of a pulmonary blood clot. Police are also re-investigating Tammy's death but have not released any further information after exhuming her body.

In a Dateline special last week examining the disappearance of JJ and Tylee, Vallow's friend, Melanie Gibb, said the mother of two began to speak about zombies, concerningly enough referring to her children as zombies after learning about the concept from Daybell. Gibb said that according to Daybell, a zombie was a person "whose mortal spirit has left their body and that their body is now the host of another spirit." The new spirit in the "zombie" is a "dark spirit."