Melania Trump Could Reportedly Get $50M If She Divorces Donald, According to Sources

There is no evidence beyond rumors to suggest former First Lady Melania Trump plans to divorce [...]

There is no evidence beyond rumors to suggest former First Lady Melania Trump plans to divorce former President Donald Trump. Still, she could get up to $50 million if she does, divorce lawyers told The Mirror. One lawyer suggested Trump could renegotiate her prenuptial agreement, while another suggested she could add penalty clauses. There has been speculation about the state of Trumps' marriage throughout President Trump's administration, thanks to the viral moments like Melania frequently batting the president's hand away and the report that they slept in separate bedrooms. The couple marked their 16th wedding anniversary on Friday and are parents to son Barron Trump, 14.

Jacqueline Newman, a New York divorce lawyer, said the next year "will be very telling" for the Trumps. Newman predicted Trump would receive more from a divorce than President Trump's first two ex-wives did. "I am guessing that she will receive actual cash payments as well as properties," Newman told The Mirror. "Should she move back to New York City, he will be providing housing for her, whether it means her retaining a property in her own name or that he will provide her with an apartment to live in, which he would own, until their son is emancipated, which is 21 in New York."

When President Trump started his term in office in January 2017, Trump infamously did not follow him to Washington. Instead, she stayed in New York for the first five months, a decision that reportedly cost taxpayers $150,000 a day. Trump claimed she stayed in New York, so Barron's schooling was not interrupted, but there was reportedly another reason. Trump also renegotiated her prenup after President Trump was elected, Washington Post reporter Mary Jordan wrote in the book The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump. The former first lady thought it was important to "amend her financial arrangement with Trump — what Melania referred to as 'taking care of Barron,'" Jordan reported. "She wanted proof in writing that when it came to financial opportunities and inheritance, Barron would be treated as more of an equal to Trump's oldest three children," Jordan added.

If there is a divorce, Newman believes Trump would "retain any assets that are currently in her own name as well. I would not be surprised if the amounts range between $20 million and $50 million." Newman went on to say if Trump stays in the marriage for a "significant amount of time" after President Trump's time in the White House is over, she believes the prenup will be renegotiated again. "However, should there be a divorce – then the need to renegotiate will be moot," Newman told the Mirror.

As for Barron, divorce experts believe Trump would become his primary caregiver if there is a divorce. "A decision will be made based on meeting Barron's care needs and the best way to do that," Elspeth Kinder, head of family law at JMW Solicitors in the U.K., told the Mirror. "We may well see Melania taking the lion's share of Barron's care, particularly given his father's schedule and myriad business interests, although we could also see Donald stepping back from his business empire for a while, particularly following the challenges of recent months, in which case he may wish to be more involved in his son's life."