Karen Pence, the wife of Vice President Mike Pence, stirred social media with her Thursday morning tweet about mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic. Promoting her appearance on Fox & Friends, Pence’s tweet saw more people commenting on a number of coronavirus-related topics than stating their desire to tune in for her interview.
“Right now, there’s this mental health issue that all of us our dealing with. Everybody is struggling with mental health right now, and so we see this as an opportunity to get the stigma taken away from mental health,” Pence said in part during her Thursday appearance. “We are all in this together. We’re all feeling these same stresses right now and we want you to know that there’s help out there.”
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I will be joining @foxandfriends at 8:45 AM EST to talk about #MentalHealth struggles and solutions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Be sure to TUNE IN. 📺
— Second Lady Karen Pence (@SecondLady) April 30, 2020
As comments on Pence’s tweet began to roll in, however, it became clear that social media wasn’t keen to praise her words. Responding, many pointed out her husband’s lack of a mask during his visit to the Mayo Clinic and slammed her defense of it during her Fox & Friends appearance, during which she claimed her husband had been unaware of the clinic’s policy requiring all visitors, patients, and staff to wear face coverings. Keep scrolling to see what social media had to say.
I have to question your husband’s judgement and choice to not wear a mask, pursuant to the CDC guidance and Mayo Clinic’s guidance.
— Friggit (@Frogs_Are_Good) April 30, 2020
Didn’t he notice EVERYONE was wearing a mask? Even if he didn’t see Mayo’s request doesn’t he have common sense?
Why did you lie about this? Your awful husband was the only one not wearing a mask in that photo op, Mother. It’s a good thing you never let him kiss you directly on the mouth, he’s probably contagious now #COVID19 #Pencedemic pic.twitter.com/4I70k6iyDk
— Tara Dublin Is Staying Home (@taradublinrocks) April 30, 2020
Can you talk about the mental health struggles of employees and patients at the Mayo Clinic after the VP visited without wearing a mask ??? Doesn’t help that you then lied about not being told ahead of time …
— Hippiecrypt (@retrohippie861) April 30, 2020
Mikey didn’t know that he was supposed to wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic?
— sagewmn (@sage_wmn) April 30, 2020
Isn’t Mikey the head of trumpy’s “COVID 19 Task Force?” Did he not see the signs telling everyone they must wear face masks at all times?
Did he think it was “mask day” and decided not to play?
Your husband and his First Man are exacerbating mental health struggles.
— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) April 30, 2020
If your husband can’t be bothered wearing a mask required by the Mayo Clinic, I can’t be bothered tuning in to your talk.
— S Mitchell Weeks (@SMitchellWeeks1) April 30, 2020
I wear a mask in public, not for myself, but for YOU. I want you to know that I could be asymptomatic and pass the virus on to others. It’s not all about me and my comfort. If we could ALL live with that consideration, this world would be a much better place. #WearAMask
— Susan Joslyn (@SuzyCuse) April 30, 2020
My surgeon daughter is in quarantine because a COVID test gave a false negative test prior to patient’s surgery. Just because your husband tests negative doesn’t mean it’s safe for him to breathe on anyone.
— Vic (@Vic33857680) April 30, 2020
Your implication that your husband, the head of the covid-19 task force, the Vice President was simply too incurious to enquire if a mask would be a requirement of a photo op in a clinic and oblivious to the fact everyone else was wearing one does not bode well
— MiTcH (@MiTcH_ArTs) April 30, 2020
So all the other people around him wearing mask wasn’t a dead giveaway, Karen? You are acknowledging your husband is that dense and oblivious to the entire world? pic.twitter.com/ZK6tcaysPr
— 🥓 ☕ Bacon Social Distancing Latte ☕ 🥓 (@BaconSoyLatte) April 30, 2020
Mayo is world renowned. Your lie disrespects all of the great physicians, pharmacists & RN’s who work there. If your husband didn’t know to wear a mask when he’s the task force “leader”, he needs to resign immediately. Pences & Trumps lack the leadership skills to lead #COVID19.
— We need PPE (@ppeneeds) April 30, 2020
He says it’s because he was tested
— NPD Analysis (@CharlieViggiano) April 30, 2020
You say it’s because he didn’t know the policy
You’ve both been hanging out with trump for too long
Gee, do you think he would get a clue looking around and seeing EVERYONE wearing a mask and at least stop long enough to put one on!!!
— Devin Nunes’ Flying Cow: RIP Lady Cooper (@FlyingDevin) April 30, 2020
Are you going to lie about Mikey not knowing to wear a mask at @MayoClinic ?
— (((Patricia Tyson, RN/BSN))) (@patriciaetyson) April 30, 2020