IKEA shoppers got to test out some of the furniture at their local store recently after a snowstorm trapped them inside overnight. Six customers and two dozen employees stayed in the Aalborg, Denmark store overnight after around 12 inches of snow fell and caught the occupants inside for the night.
According to The Sun, the people caught in the storm opted to stay instead of trekking out into the cold and took advantage of IKEA’s nature to have a sleepover in theory. It also gave those shoppers some extra time to test the products and taste some of the food offered by the store cafeteria.
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“We slept in the furniture exhibitions and our showroom on the first floor, where we have beds, mattresses and sofa beds,” store manager Peter Elmrose told Denmark’s Ekstra Bladet newspaper, according to The Guardian. Those inside IKEA were joined by employees at a neighboring toy store, with manager Michelle Barrett praising the decision.
“It’s much better than sleeping in one’s car. It has been nice and warm and we are just happy that they would let us in,” she said. “We just laughed at the situation, because we will probably not experience it again.”
The evening was spent “watching television and eating,” according to The Guardian, with Elmose adding that the situation went “super well. It’s been a good night. All fun.”
Euronews also added that the patrons were offered chips and Swedish cinnamon rolls to go along with their TV time and their warm beds for the night. And once the shop reopened on Thursday, the bedding and sheets were changed out for fresh.
In the end, there are worse stores they could have been forced to stay at during a snowstorm. The experience at a Bed, Bath and Beyond or Walmart might not be the same as IKEA, even if the food is a little more varied and the bedding cheaper.
Still, the feel of a night like this one from a Denmark IKEA is something special. It might never happen again and likely can’t be replicated, which is special.