Here's What People Are Tweeting From Inside JFK

The John F. Kennedy International Airport is currently bursting with displaced people after the [...]

The John F. Kennedy International Airport is currently bursting with displaced people after the bomb cyclone ravaged the east coast and turned flight schedules on their heads.

The airport has cancelled or delayed over 6,000 flights since the storm on Thursday, and freezing temperatures have caused equipment malfunctions and setbacks that have kept flights from getting back on schedule.

In addition, a plane bound for Cancun had to turn around and make an emergency landing after reports that a wing had caught fire, and there was a collision on the tarmac early on Saturday morning that damaged two Boeing 777s and caused yet another cancellation.

The airport and the Port Authority have been making vague announcements and updates on Twitter, but reports from inside the airport say that communication with customers has been sparse and often contradictory. Meanwhile, thousands of people are huddled on the floor, packed in like sardines with nowhere else to go.

While many have been waiting hours or even days for a flight to take them to their destination, others have been waiting just as long for their belongings to show up in baggage claim. The scenario in the airport has become a nightmare for both customers and staff, and Twitter has become one of their lifelines for information.