
Donald Trump Misspells ‘Florida’ and Twitter Has a Field Day

President Donald Trump has another typo to add to the roster. On Monday, the president was up and […]

President Donald Trump has another typo to add to the roster. On Monday, the president was up and at ’em early to tout the “massive numbers” of people who had gathered to see him during his recent visits to Texas and Florida, only the president instead incorrectly typed that he had paid a visit to the sunny state of “Frorida.” In a since-deleted tweet, the president boasted, “My visits last week to Texas and Frorida had massive numbers of cheering people gathered along the roads and highways, thousands and thousands, even bigger (by far) than the crowds of 2016. Saw no Biden supporters, and yet some in the Fake News said it was an equal number. Sad!”

The typo marked just the latest one to strike the president, who is known for late night and early morning tweets. In June, he sparked laughter on social media he made typos two times within the span of just two days, writing “hustory” instead of “history” and “ashame” instead of “a shame.” Of course, one of his most notable typos came in December of 2019, when he wrote “smocking” multiple times across several tweets instead of “smoking.”

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Just as with those previous scenarios, this one was no different, and Twitter had a field day. Shortly after the tweet was posted, and then deleted, social media users didn’t hesitate to point out the mistake, the word “Frorida” even becoming a trending topic on the social media platform. Scroll down to see how Twitter users are reacting.