Convicted Killer of Morgan Freeman's Granddaughter Gets 20 Year Prison Sentence

The man who stabbed Morgan Freeman's granddaughter to death in August 2015 was sentenced to 20 [...]

The man who stabbed Morgan Freeman's granddaughter to death in August 2015 was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Manhattan Defense Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. told TMZ a judge sentenced Lamar Davenport Thursday in New York City on first-degree manslaughter charges.

Davenport, who was convicted of killing girlfriend E'Dena Hines last May, was first acquitted of second-degree murder after his lawyers argued that he was high on PCP when he attacked her.

Hines, 31, was the daughter of a woman who Freeman and his first wife, Jeanette Adair Bradshaw, adopted together, which meant they technically weren't related by blood.

A witness in Hines' trial said she saw Davenport stabbing Hines while screaming at her about religion.

"They were arguing. She was on the floor, and he was on top of her, restraining her, stopping her from getting loose from his grip," said Cristina Aviles, a nursing student. "He was trying to keep her down… I proceeded to call the cops."

"He was yelling things about releasing the devil out of her. And then he pulled out a knife, and then he proceeded to stab her multiple times," Aviles added, before going on to describe how Hines attempted to flee from Davenport by flipping to her back from her stomach while she was wounded.

"There was multiple stabs. The back, and then on the front of her chest and her neck. She was on her stomach, and then she somehow flipped over, and he stabbed her on the chest," Aviles continued. "She was trying to get away from him by pushing him and kicking him."

She said that Hines continued to move, but that it appeared to be more of a "jerking" movement due to shock rather than a voluntary movement. She said Davenport stopped stabbing once Hines was lying still.

Throughout Davenport and Hines' nearly 10-year relationship, he reportedly struggled with addiction and substance abuse. Following Hines' death, he was taken to a psychiatric facility and was in law enforcement throughout his trial and sentencing.

While the trial was underway, text messages surfaced that appeared to suggest Hines and Freeman had a romantic relationship. The New York Daily News reported that Hines sent a message to Davenport that implied she was having trouble with an unnamed older man.

"I don't ask him for advice," Hines allegedly wrote. "He was calling to ask me ... I blocked him for myself not for you because men who equal grandpa feelings don't need to be in my life at all."

The texts did not explicitly name Freeman, but during the course of the conversation, she allegedly texted that "when it comes to ... your grandfather, there's a submissive love that will always be there."

In the past, both Freeman and Hines publicly denied allegations they ever had a sexual relationship.

Since the trial, Freeman was accused of sexual harassment by eight women in a CNN story. Freeman issued two statements denying the allegations and demanded CNN retract its story. The news outlet stood by its story and did not retract it.