Capitol on Lockdown: 'Shots Fired' in Senate Chamber Area, Report Says

There are reports that gunshots have been fired into the Senate chamber, as the U.S. Capitol is on [...]

There are reports that gunshots have been fired into the Senate chamber, as the U.S. Capitol is on lockdown after being stormed by angry Donald Trump supporters. According to HuffPost reporter Matt Fuller, an officer present in the building stated that there have been "shots fired" as officials attempted to block the doors into the chamber. Fuller also shared a video of what he was seeing from inside the Senate chamber, showing officers with their guns drawn at the door. He stated that someone was attempting to talk the protesters down, saying, "This is not the way to do it."

In a follow-up tweet, Fuller stated, "Alright, so I can't swear there were gunshots. I saw the glass blow out of the chamber's front door, and I heard an officer say shots fired. But everything is unconfirmed at this moment." The rioters were present at the Capitol to protest the Senate counting and certifying the electoral college votes, which confirmed Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. President Donald Trump delivered a speech to his supports, ahead of the protest turning into a violent riot.

Fuller also shared that he is currently evacuated from the Senate chamber, for safety. "Very weird situation. We're in an undisclosed room with Republican and Democratic members," he tweeted. "There is floor staff here and press and a lot of cops." It has been reported that Vice President Pence was evacuated from the Capitol building ahead of the rioters breaking in.

"Members seem to be relaxing a bit," Fuller went on to share. "A lot of phone conversations, milling about, people drinking water. And all the while, there's this little whirring sound in the background from a bunch of 'escape hoods.'"

Fuller added, "A member apparently just did an interview from the room where they're keeping us, detailing where we are." He also tweeted, "An interesting dynamic in this room is that it's pretty evenly split among Republicans and Democrats. Some of the biggest GOP instigators in Congress are here."