Bigfoot Sighting Uncovered in Newly Unearthed Documentary Footage

While this documentary is a bit dated, the dark figure was just spotted now.

There must be a shortage of fresh Bigfoot sightings in the world currently, leaving some jonesing for a fix. That's where the documentary Great North comes into play, currently streaming on PlutoTV if you're interested.

The documentary from Martin J. Dignard and William Reeve dives into the traditions of the local Inuit population and the Arctic world that many haven't seen. It looks really great, for those who are fans of documentaries, but the reason it has popped up is because a clip ended up piquing interest on the r/Bigfoot subreddit.

In the scene, a herd of caribou are making their way across the landscape with tons of depth and detail. Some are swimming, others are running, and there's a larger herd beyond a small hill in the distance. That's where Bigfoot comes into play.

This somehow had to be known at some level before today because nothing really screams "Sasquatch" about the clip on the surface. But if you're peeking near the hill, with the running caribou, you will spy a shadowy figure that seems to be chasing or interacting with the beasts. If there's a shadowy figure without a definite form that's obscured on camera by distance, you know someone is going to say it is Bigfoot.

Some in the comments were not convinced, while others joked about the need to "enhance" the footage to get a clear image. Some quickly said it looked more like a person with a baby, while others said it was likely a hunter. But some have stabilized the footage, looked into it, and even claimed to get the skinny from the filmmakers themselves.

From a prior post on Instagram from Squatch Me Now, the zoomed-in footage is characterized as "a large bipedal creature stalking the caribou. "Seems unlikely that the production insurance company would allow a crew member to put themselves in a place where they could easily be trampled. We've certainly seen very similar behavior in other purported Bigfoot videos we've posted," the caption reads. They also point to user ThinkerThunker who also broke down the footage and interviewed William Reeve before their passing in 2018.

In the end, as with most bigfoot footage, the final verdict is up to you. The reader and the viewer. Do you think the black figure is the long lost giant ape man confirmed at last?