O.J. Simpson Reportedly Stages Paparazzi Run-In to Comment on Vegas Shooting

10/08/2017 12:20 pm EDT

O.J. Simpson was released from prison on Sunday after serving nine years long for kidnapping and armed robbery, and the former athlete has reportedly been staging paparazzi run-ins in the days since.

TMZ reports that Simpson was overheard at a restaurant by a photographer for the outlet, who alleges that Simpson was planning a video shoot to make it look like paparazzi were asking him questions about Sunday's shooting in Las Vegas.

In the parking lot, Simpson spoke to his photographer about the attack while the TMZ photographer attempted to get his own shot. Simpson reportedly offered his "thoughts and prayers" to the victims while his photographer was filming.

Simpson's photographer reportedly tried to run the TMZ photographer out of the frame before Simpson headed to his car after he "realized his plan had been foiled."

The outlet alleges that the 70-year-old previously staged a "run-in" in Nevada after his release from prison, appearing surprised the paparazzi found him but still talking to them.

Photo Credit: Twitter / @NDTV

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