The Crossover is a new Disney+ basketball series that focuses on two young basketball stars Josh and JB Bell. And as they get through life as 13-year-olds, their parents Crystal (Sabrina Revelle) and Cuck (Derek Luke) are there to guide them on and off the court. spoke exclusively to Revelle and Luke about the series, and they revealed what made them want to be part of the project.ย
“Everything about it,” Revelle exclusively told PopCulture. “The audition was fun. Just reading the sides was like, oh, this is fun. This seems like it’s going to be fun. And it was, it was fun. But also who Crystal is as a leader in the family, has a leader position and the nurturing position, all of those things. The balance between all of it.”
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Crystal is the principal of the school Josh (Jalyn Hall) and JB (Amir O’Neal) attended, and Chuck is the coach of the basketball team. When talking about his character, Luke liked the fact that Chuck is always there for his sons.ย
“The best thing about my character is maybe to translate, not his passion for ball per se, but to translate having a passion to two boys that are coming of age,” Luke said. “And I think the second is what a mentor told me. He said that Abe Lincoln had a quote and that quote was, ‘The best thing a father can do for his kids is love his mom. And so I think that right there on screen, loving and being present in support to their mom is an important ingredient and visual for two boys.”
Crystal and Chuck are tough on their boys, but Crystal seems like the one who makes sure the boys learned their lesson when they do something wrong. “We are very similar in that way of speaking up, speaking your mind, speaking what you believe in, being very passionate about things. I am that way in real life,” Revelle said. “But I wanted to be aware and conscious of her. Yes, being in control, laying down the law, but also having the balance between her and her husband. I didn’t want it to come across like she’s the only one laying down the laws. Hopefully, there’s some balance in there. And we did have talks about that. So hopefully we get to see that more in the second season. But yeah, we are similar in that way.” All eight episodes of The Crossover are now available on Disney+.ย