Kristofer Hivju: Netflix Will Deep Clean 'The Witcher' Set After Actor Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Netflix will reportedly conduct a deep-cleaning of the set of The Witcher, after actor Kristofer [...]

Netflix will reportedly conduct a deep-cleaning of the set of The Witcher, after actor Kristofer Hivju tested positive for the coronavirus. The streaming giant already suspended production on The Witcher Season 2, along with many other programs amid the worldwide pandemic. Now, the series will be shut down indefinitely and the set will be sanitized.

Netflix shuttered work on The Witcher Season 2 on Monday morning, then hours later informed Deadline that an "individual" on the set had tested positive for COVID-19, the new coronavirus. After that, Hivju revealed on Instagram that he had tested positive for the illness.

Netflix declined to comment on Hivju's diagnosis, saying only that someone involved in the production had a confirmed case of COVID-19. "We paused production prior to becoming aware of this, but as a further precaution we will be closing production offices and Arborfield immediately and arranging for deep cleaning and disinfection," the company said in a statement.

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Greetings from Norway! Sorry to say that I, today, have tested positive for COVID19, Corona virus. My familiy and I are self-isolating at home for as long as it takes. We are in good health - I only have mild symptoms of a cold. There are people at higher risk for who this virus might be a devastating diagnosis, so I urge all of you to be extremely careful; wash your hands, keep 1,5 meters distance from others, go in quarantine; just do everything you can to stop the virus from spreading. Together we can fight this virus and avert a crisis at our hospitals. Please take care of each other, keep your distance, and stay healthy! Please visit your country's Center for Disease Control's website, and follow the regulations for staying safe and protecting not just yourselves, but our entire community, and especially those at risk like the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. @grymolvaerhivju #fightcorona #solidarity #takecare #folkehelseinstituttet Thanks to @panoramaagency

A post shared by Kristofer Hivju (@khivju) on

Netflix did urge all those involved in the making of The Witcher to avoid public spaces and watch out for symptoms. It took responsibility for contacting those effected and informing them.

"We are in the process of contacting those who were in close contact with the relevant individual. However, due to the nature of this production, it is recommended that crew and cast self-quarantine for 14 days, monitor their temperature, and seek medical advice if they experience any symptoms," it said.

Hivju posted a message to fans on Instagram informing them of his health status. He assured them that he would be fine, but urged his followers to take care of themselves and each other.

"Greetings from Norway! Sorry to say that I, today, have tested positive for COVID19, Coronavirus," Hivju wrote in an Instagram post on Monday. "My family and I are self-isolating at home for as long as it takes. We are in good health — I only have mild symptoms of a cold. There are people at higher risk for who this virus might be a devastating diagnosis, so I urge all of you to be extremely careful; wash your hands, keep 1.5 meters distance from others, go in quarantine; just do everything you can to stop the virus from spreading."

Hivju is expected to play Nivellen, a wealthy aristocratic suffering the effects of a dark curse in the next installment of The Witcher. There is no release date in place for the new season just yet, but with the coronavirus pandemic shutting down production on many movies and TV shows, it may be much longer than fans had hoped.

Visit the CDC's website for the latest information on COVID-19 and tips on preventing the spread of the virus as much as possible.