'Arrested Development' Likely Canceled After Season 5, Star David Cross Says

Arrested Development has likely been cancelled, star David Cross said in a new interview.“I’ve [...]

Arrested Development has likely been cancelled, star David Cross said in a new interview.

"I've learned to say 'Never say never,' but I can't see it happening again, I think for a number of reasons," Cross said on the most recent episode of the Late Night With Seth Meyers Podcast, reports TV Line.

Cross' comments follow July remarks from Cindy Holland, Netflix's Vice President of Original Content. She told reporters that the streamer has not even talked about a sixth season.

"I actually don't know if [season 6] is a possibility or not," Holland said. "We haven't discussed it at all."

The first eight episodes of Arrested Development's fifth season were released on Netflix in May, after a controversial New York Times interview in which the cast appeared to dismiss the importance of Jeffrey Tambor verbally harassing co-star Jessica Walter on set.

"I have to let go of being angry at him," Walter told the Times through tears, with Tambor sitting near her. "He never crossed the line on our show, with any, you know, sexual whatever. Verbally, yes, he harassed me, but he did apologize. I have to let it go."

Jason Bateman also participated in the interview and suggested heated arguments often happen on sets. But Walter, who has been working in Hollywood since the 1960s, strongly disagreed.

"It's hard because honestly — Jason says this happens all the time. In like almost 60 years of working, I've never had anybody yell at me like that on a set," Walter said. "And it's hard to deal with, but I'm over it now. I just let it go right here, for The New York Times."

Bateman, Tony Hale and Cross all issued apologies for their remarks in the interview.

"I didn't speak up as much as I should have, and I regret it. I started to say this to the Times, and I put the brakes on it, but this was not a...dammit, this sucks...there's a cumulative effect to our behavior," Cross told Gothamist.

"I'm not going to defend what Jeffrey did at all, because I would never do that," Cross continued. "I've never seen anybody do that to that level and that's just not right. There's just no excuse for behaving like that. But as far as the idea that people have problems and raise their voice, that happens everywhere. There's not a workplace where that hasn't happened, that I've been a part of. But you have to make a distinction between being upset, popping off at somebody, lashing out, and kind of sh– behavior."

Even before the interview, the decision to release more Arrested Development with Tambor involved was controversial. The episodes were released after Amazon fired Tambor from Transparent due to alleged sexual harassment.

Netflix has yet to announce when the final eight episodes of Arrested Development season five will be released, but Cross told Meyers they might be out in early 2019.

Photo credit: Netflix