UFC president Dana White is taking heat for his new show that premiered on TBS last week. The series, Power Slap: Road to the Title, consists of two people standing in front of each other, slapping their opponent as hard as they can in the face. One match featured Chris Thomas and Chris Kennedy, and Thomas slapped Kennedy so hard that he was knocked out. And when he regained consciousness, he had a confused look on his face. This led to former WWE Superstar and concussion expert Christopher Nowinski going to Twitter to blast Dana White and TBS for promoting the show. In the tweet, Nowinski said White and TBS “should be ashamed” and that Kennedy had the “fencing posture with the first brain injury.”
It was later revealed that Kennedy suffered from memory loss. According to Mirror, Kennedy was slurring his words and asked the doctors what happened after he was knocked out. Brendan Schaub, a former MMA star and comedian also took aim at White for promoting the show and the league. “Checking out the Slap fight league,” he wrote on Twitter. “This is the stupidest sโ I’ve ever seen. The fact it’s associated with the UFC sets the sport back 10 yrs. All that being said it’s entertaining. Anyone wanna bet it’s not around in a year?”
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Originally, Power Slap: Road to the Title was set to premiere on TBS on Jan. 11. However, the show was pushed back on Jan. 18, and White explained why during a press conference. “It’s insanely entertaining, and people are gonna like it,” he said, per MMA News. “We pushed it back a week because I was supposed to do a whole media tour, which obviously wasn’t going to happen when I got back [from Mexico].
White is referring to the incident where he was seen slapping his wifeย during an altercation on New Year’s Eve. He admitted to slapping his wife, but it’s likely he won’t be punished for it. “It was obviously a horrible personal experience,” White stated. “How does that hurt me? Me leaving hurts the company. Hurts my employees. Hurts the fighters. Doesn’t hurt me. I could have left in 2016. Do I need to reflect? No, I do.”