'Sister Wives': Kody and Christine Argue About Whether They're Actually Divorced

The new season of Sister Wives has focused heavily on the split between Kody and Christine Brown, but in a new clip from the show, the pair are seen arguing about whether or not they're actually divorced. In the clip, shared by ET, Kordy reveals that he had not considered the term "divorce" for what he and Christine have been going through, until he heard it from their daughter. "I was sitting there talking with Truely and she's like, 'Well, you and Mom are divorced,'" Kody recalled. "It was a little bit news to me."

Expressing frustration about the use of the term, Kody said, "We never made an official agreement. We never signed a paper. We never agreed. We never went to our church leaders and said, 'Hey, we're divorced' or 'We want a divorce.'" Robyn then chimes in, "Usually our church would say you're divorced, you have to go ask for a divorce. You have to get paperwork, you have to get approval. You have to approve that the marriage is broken." Janelle added, "Christine saying 'I'm divorced' is sort of invalidating our beliefs. We're spiritually married to Kody by our church."

Janelle went on to say, "If we want a divorce, then we have to go get their approval. Usually, they require counseling. Usually, they require lots and lots of meetings. Technically, from my understanding, until Christine is physical with another man, she's not divorced. But I don't know," Jan

Ultimately, Christine does not agree with Kody and her former sister-wives, as she feels she can call the split whatever she wants since there was no legal binding between herself and them. "Since I don't have any legal contract that binds me with Kody, there was no legal process that we had to go through," she explained. "Neither of us are a part of that religion anymore. So, me just saying I'm divorced? I don't see the problem in that at all."

Meri Brown was Kody's first wife. They were married in 1990, and then legally separated in 2014 but remained together. Janelle Brown was Kody's second wife, marrying him in 1993. They seem to have possibly separated in late 2020. Christine became wife number three the next year in 1994. She and Kody split in later 2021. Finally, Robyn married Kody in 2010, making her his fourth wife. Sister Wives Season 11 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC, and is also available to stream on Discovery+.