'Little People, Big World': Matt Roloff Plans to Airbnb the Farm

Matt Roloff has finally come to terms with the future of Roloff Farms. The Little People, Big World patriarch revealed that he has plans to turn the farm into a short-term rental after having issues selling the land to an outsider after deciding not to allow his and ex-wife Amy Roloff's son Zach to purchase part of the family farm. 

"Well, we haven't sold it," Matt told Entertainment Tonight in an interview published Monday. "Plan B is actually taking place right now. All of the families that looked at the farm but couldn't get their heads around the long-term commitment of purchasing it are now gonna be able to stay here as a short-term rental, so I think Airbnb. We're gonna set the farm up for more people to share it, for a week or less than a week. So we're very excited about that."

Matt said he's looking to find people who will think of the farm as "a labor of love," and that having temporary tenants will take some of the pressure off of him. "That's the super scary part. We're allowing people to come into our [house], so that's the scary part. The idea that we are gonna continue to own the farm and I will have to continue to maintain it and be responsible for the maintenance of it, which is the part I don't like about it," he said. "Because that's the part I was trying to get rid of the most was the maintenance."

The Airbnb experience might also include an appearance from Amy, who sold her portion of the farm to Matt after the end of their marriage. "I'm trying to talk to Amy and talk her into coming and doing cooking lessons in her house while people are staying," Matt quipped. "[Amy's husband, Chris Marek's] idea not mine."

The short-term rental idea actually can be attributed back to Amy. "Amy actually thought of it years ago and bugged me about it," Matt admitted. "She likes to give me a really hard time about it. It's all fun. We've had some laughs about that." Matt also hopes the new plan will allow all four of his kids – Zach, Jeremy, Jacob and Molly – to have more time on the farm with their own families. 

"The one thing I always wanted was for the kids to figure out a way to share the farm, all four kids. And now with this new arrangement, it is shared because these kids can block out time, family members can block out weeks or days," he explained. "It's like having a family timeshare. When the idea came forward, it really seemed like Plan B was actually a good plan and should maybe have been Plan A."