'Little People, Big World': Audrey and Jeremy Roloff Reveal Birth Plan for Baby No. 2

Little People, Big World's Audrey Roloff is opening up about her birth plan for baby number two, [...]

Little People, Big World's Audrey Roloff is opening up about her birth plan for baby number two, revealing to fans and followers why she's intending to go with a natural birth for her second child with husband, Jeremy. The former TLC couple answered questions from fans on their July 30 episode of their Behind the Scenes podcast, addressing their decision to have a natural birth with 1-year-old daughter Ember.

"So I've always been pretty crunchy," Roloff said. "If medical interventions are unnecessary then I just lean more on the natural side, but I also wanted to experience the true pains of childbirth and pregnancy."

Despite her decision to go with a natural birth, Roloff maintained she still plans to go with a hospital birth for their next baby as opposed to a home birth.

"I loved that I had access to medical professionals," she said, explaining that with the "great nurses and midwives," she felt like she already had the comfort of a home birth at the hospital.

"There's also something really cool to me about bringing our baby home," she added. "That's just me. I had a really great experience with it, and probably will do the same thing."

With her due date on Jan. 8, Roloff explained she was having "fun" being pregnant with a winter baby, as opposed to Ember's Sept. 10 birthday.

The former reality personality has been open about her labor with Ember in the past, opening up about her delivery on her blog shortly after giving birth.

"Jeremy and I wanted our labor and delivery experience to be a calm, low stress, and intimate experience between the two of us," she wrote. "That meant no family, friends, or cameras in the delivery room. We wanted to bring our daughter into the world together without having to think or worry about anything or anyone else. Just Jeremy and I, intimately experiencing the most defining moment of our lives together."

"Our birth plan was essentially to have a low-intervention, unmedicated birth at the hospital with the help of our doula Echo, essential oils, prayer, and a jammin' Spotify playlist," she added. "I wanted to have a unmedicated birth for a few reasons. I knew it would stretch my faith and give me an opportunity to trust the Lord on a whole new level, I wanted the ability to move around freely and not be confined to a hospital bed, I believe in the natural way (call me granola if you want), and yeah, I'm a bit of an adrenaline junk [sic], I thrive on intensity."

"But one of the main reasons I wanted to have an unmedicated/low-intervention birth was because I wanted to labor together with Jeremy," she continued. "I didn't want labor to solely be something I went through, while Jeremy watched from a chair. I wanted for him to be an active participant. I wanted for him to feel needed and important during the whole process – and he was. Laboring with Jeremy was was the most intimate, unifying, God-empowering, thing we have ever done together. I am so thankful that the Lord fulfilled this desire of my heart."

Photo credit: Instagram/Jeremy Roloff