Jenelle Evans Denies Husband Punched 3-Year-Old Son, Goes on Twitter Rant After 'Teen Mom 2' Reunion

Following a dramatic exit from the first part of the Teen Mom 2 reunion, Jenelle Evans is denying [...]

Following a dramatic exit from the first part of the Teen Mom 2 reunion, Jenelle Evans is denying claims that her husband David Eason punched her 3-year-old son Kaiser in the face.

When Dr. Drew asked the 25-year-old about her past with "aggressive" men in the reunion, Eason walked off the set, taking Evans with him while protesting how he is portrayed as a "bad guy" on the show.

After they left, Evans' ex, Nathan Griffiths, and his mom, Doris Hewlett Davidson, appeared on the reunion to discuss the "red flags" of abuse they see in the couple's relationship with each other and with Griffiths' 3-year-old son Kaiser.

"I'm terribly frightened for Kaiser," Davidson said, adding that she had worked for Child Protective Services in Ohio for a decade. "I've seen abuse, I've seen children go through it, I know the red flags and I see the red flags. They're popping up everywhere."

She continued with a shocking allegation of abuse.

"I picked up Kaiser at daycare and the first thing he says to me, and Nate can verify this, the first thing he says to me is 'Nana, David punched me,' " she claimed. "I thought, 'What, excuse me?' He said, 'David punched me.' And he kept saying it over and over."

Evans, who denied the abuse in a statement to PEOPLE, said, "I doubt my husband would punch a kid in his face."

She continued, "For weeks I asked Doris every time Kaiser came home and if there was marks she always got super offensive in texts when I would ask her what happened to my son."

As for Eason's response to Dr. Drew's questioning of Evans, the MTV cast member said he was feeling protective of her.

"David is super protective over me and gets very upset if anyone makes me cry," she said. "So for Dr. Drew to ask me stupid questions about David is ridiculous because the real problem is Nathan here."

"David did not want to go back on stage because he has super bad anxiety and doesn't like Dr. Drew. This isn't David's job this is mine," she added. "I came, filmed, did my part, left."

On Twitter, she weighed in again in a soon-deleted tweet.

"Yeah, just watched the reunion," she wrote. "Saw everyone's interviews with Dr. Drew about me. Funny when you cut people out of your life they get mad as sh-t, all of them." She then retweeted several complimentary tweets from fans, including one making at dig at Griffiths and MTV.

"I can't believe that MTV chooses now to build up Nathan, a known and recorded abuser, who Barab even said choked Jenelle when she was pregnant, and then trash David by implying he abuses her," the person tweeted. "So sickening."

The second part of the Teen Mom 2 reunion airs Monday at 9 p.m. ET on MTV.