'Duck Dynasty': Uncle Si Burst Into Tears on His Texas Hunting Trip — Here's Why

The cast of Duck Dynasty is not known for being sentimental, but Silas "Uncle Si" Robertson recently shared a surprisingly heartfelt story on the Duck Call Room podcast. Silas described a recent hunting trip in Texas where he took down a deer that was "so beautiful" it made him cry on the spot. As a lifelong hunter with years of experience, this kind of emotional response was brand new for him, he said.

Uncle Si and his family were in Duval County, Texas, on a hunting trip in November, where he took down a buck that shifted his whole perspective. Jay Stone was there as well, and he began the story by describing Silas hitting his target. He went on: "So, Si goes up and lays his hand on this giant rack, and I could see his eyes start to well up, a tear come out of his eye!" At this point, Silas took over, trying to explain his feelings in that moment.

"No, I'm serious, I felt bad for shooting that deer. That's the first time that's happened to me in my entire life!" he said. "That deer was so beautiful that I was actually kind of mad at myself for shooting it."

Stone consoled Silas by telling him that the deer's age had later been estimated at around six and a half years old, making it relatively old for a wild deer. The reality star seemed to feel better knowing he hadn't taken too many years of life away from the animal. Meanwhile, Stone admitted that he teared up himself seeing Silas' strong reaction on the scene.

Photos from the family hunting trip were shared on Facebook by the Three Eagles Ranch in Texas. Fans can see the deer for themselves there, though Silas seemed to have recovered his composure by the time they were snapped.

It is an absolute pleasure having @sirobertson and the crew in camp again. Congratulations on an absolute hammer of a...

Posted by Three Eagles Ranch TX on Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Duck Call Room is a podcast featuring Silas, Stone, Justin Martin, John-David Owen, John Godwin and Phillip McMillan of Duck Dynasty fame. They discuss stories and news in the world of hunting from a recording studio in their duck call manufacturing shop. This is just one of the family's ongoing media projects, which maintain a steady following in spite of the fact that their A&E TV show ended in 2017. You can find the show on most major podcast platforms, or watch the video version on YouTube.