Big Brother is getting down to the wire after the latest live eviction sent another houseguest packing. Jackson Michie’s Head of Household took a turn for the worst on Wednesday’s episode after Nicole Anthony won the veto. That forced him to put up his showmance, Holly Allen, on the block next to Tommy Bracco to set the stage for Thursday’s show.
The show kicked off with Nicole and Cliff Hogg III going over their voting options. Nicole felt it’s time to split the showmance, as does Cliff. The latter, though, wanted to hear from Tommy and make sure that his number one target next week would be Jackson.
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In a surprise twist, Cliff sat down with Tommy to go over their potential plan when Tommy offered a deal that seemed too good to pass up. Tommy said he would throw the following competition to Cliff and Nicole to ensure they control the nominations with Jackson unable to compete in the next HoH.
“I mean it when I say I’m going to throw this Head of Household competition,” Tommy told the camera.
Later on in the episode, Cliff alerted Jackson to the possibility that Holly could go home. Jackson took that information right to Holly, who proceeded to have a slight freak out about the notion.
“It has been said multiple times were going to final four [together],” Holly said in the diary room. “Jackson has kept Cliff and Nicole safe… what’s so complicated about final four?”
Not feeling safe yet, Tommy continued to campaign to the two voters. Previously, Tommy had told Jackson and Holly that he knew former houseguest Christie Murphy before coming into the house. He wanted to let them know just in case Jackson was to use it against him before the vote.
“I wanted you to hear it from me,” Tommy told the two, with Nicole feeling it was “unnerving” that he held onto that for so long and that it throws up a small red flag.
The four houseguests minus Tommy discussed the Tommy-Christie relationship to which Jackson offered that Tommy is going to win if he’s in the final two because Christie is a guaranteed vote and will be advocating for him in the jury house.
This got Cliff questioning the decision to flip and vote Holly out.
“It just feels like a big slap in the face that you would keep Tommy over Holly,” Jackson told Cliff later in the Camp B.B. room. “I just don’t want to get burnt by ya’ll.”
Jackson would go on to overhear a conversation between Nicole, Cliff and Tommy about the three discussing keeping Tommy over Holly. Jackson had his ear pressed against the door where he heard Tommy saying “I can help you take [Jackson] down” before proceeding back to his room and considering how he can flip this in his favor.
His plan was to share with Nicole and Cliff that Tommy is actually in his corner, and he’s just telling them what they want to hear to get his safety.
“He’s playing both sides again,” Jackson said, using information he overheard to fabricate the lie and begin swaying the two to keep Holly.
When it came down to the vote, though, things were still undecided as host Julie Chen came on screen. Julie told the audience that things got heated just hours before the show after Nicole called a house meeting and Tommy and Jackson engaged in a toe-to-toe argument.
Drama aside, Cliff and Nicole decided to keep the showmance intact and send Tommy home.
“Michie came up with a big fat lie,” Tommy said after he was evicted to Julie. “Today he came up a whole entire lie about my plan to throw the HOH… my plan was to backdoor Cliff. It was all made up… it got ugly.”
Big Brother will air on Sunday when a new HOH is crowned.