
‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 25 Recap: Cameron Takes His Revenge on the House

Cameron is back in the Big Brother 25 house, and he’s seeking revenge against the people who sent him home the first time.

Heeee’s bacccck! Cameron is back in the Big Brother house for real after resurrecting his zombified game and you know what’s also resurrected? The chaos in the house as Cameron’s reign of terror gets new life. I couldn’t make this up if I tried, so let’s get into BB25 Episode 25.

We pick up after Cameron’s win in the “Do or Die” competition sent Jared packing once againย  โ€“ and the house has interestingly enough split into a bunch of tiny alliances, each looking to take control with the next HOH in this kind of power vacuum that’s formed. Cory and America have new alliances with Matt and Jag as well as with Felicia and Meme, while Jag and Matt are working with Cameron and Blue is kind of in the middle working with Cory and America and Matt and Jag. Meanwhile, Bowie and Cirie aren’t working with anyone, but they’re also definitely not working with one another.ย 

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With no big alliances in this house, this HOH competition was vital, as the houseguests raced to reassemble this spaceship puzzle. And jeez, can anyone new in this house win something? It’s a photo finish between Matt and Cameron, but Cameron ends up taking the win, meaning he’s HOH once again โ€“ this is his third time if you’re keeping track.

And it’s so odd, Cameron’s quick eviction flip seems to have almost reset his game for real.ย Last time people were pressed when Cam won, but now Blue, Jag, Matt, Cory, they’re all likeโ€ฆok with him taking control! It’s Cirie, Meme and Felicia who are worried about what he’s gonna do โ€“ and Cirie honestly shouldn’t worry, because Cameron promised Jared he’d protect her before he was evicted the second time. Although maybe she should be worried about her little Survivor superfan shadow.

And while Cory and America are discussing the washing machine method, Jag, Cameron and Matt โ€“ who are now calling themselves The Fugitives โ€“ are discussing how much of a threat they are in the game. Cam’s worried about having a jury that’s favorable to him though, and so while he agrees Cory is the biggest threat in the house, he really wants Meme, Felicia and Cirie to go pre-jury, because they’re anti-him. And anti-Emily Dickinson apparently.

Cory meanwhile is convinced he’s good with Cam โ€“ which is a dangerous thing to be. Felicia meanwhile is having one of the more direct HOH pitches of the season- one thing about Felicia is she’s no suckup. Meanwhile Meme, in what must be like her 5th minute of screentime this episode, you go girl, she’s assured that if she goes up on the block, she’ll be there as a pawn.

But we all know what happened during Cameron’s last HOH, so what is he going to do at the nomination ceremony? Well, he’s gonna put up Felicia and Memeโ€ฆhuh ok that feels really straightforward for the chaos lord, but he’s assuring us at least for now that Felicia is indeed his target โ€“ he’s thinking ahead to jury.ย 

But how will the power of veto change things? Can we get a new person to win something? I’d love to see it. Let me know what you think of this week’s nominations in the comments.