
Redneck Chomps Down On Various Dog Foods, Puts On Throw Up Show

There’s an old joke that goes like this… Q: What are a redneck’s last words? A: ‘Hey, watch […]

There’s an old joke that goes like this… Q: What are a redneck’s last words? A: “Hey, watch this!”

It’s a joke that, while simple, is grounded in some form of truth.

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Good ol’ southern boys are quick to do something crazy that they’re sure to regret. Like, taste test dog food, for example.

Catfish Cooley is a self-proclaimed redneck with a YouTube page full of hilarious videos. In his newest video, Cooley finally addresses the old debate, can your dog really taste the difference between cheap dog food and expensive dog food.

Being the sophisticated man of science that he is, Catfish says, “I wanna test that out. I think it’s bulls–t.” He also knows that since dogs can’t talk he’ll have to do the tasting himself.

First up is a can of Mighty brand dog food. This is the cheap dog food. Cooley pulls off the aluminum lid and gets a big whiff of it. You can actually pinpoint the smell hits his nostrils because he already looks like he’s going to puke and he hasn’t even tasted it yet.

He reaches in, grabs two fingers-full of dog food, and shoves it in his mouth. As soon as it hits his tongue he begins to heave, and soon after comes the cascading vomit. If it wasn’t so horrible it would be mesmerizing.

Now he pulls out the expensive dog food, Cesar, and peels off the paper lid. His eyes reveal that he knows he’s gonna puke again as soon as he tastes it, so he moves quickly. Grabbing a good portion of the dog food, Catfish jams it in his mouth and begins vomiting again so fast that it doesn’t look like he even kept in for a second.

So, like an honorable man of science, he goes for another mouthful. Once again, a fountain of puke some gushing out.

Finally, Cooley shares the results of his scientific findings. “I knew it! They both taste like s–t! It don’t matter what kind of dog food it is folks! It just tastes like s–t!”

Before signing off, Dr.Cooley provides some alternatives to the pre-packaged dog food, suggesting, “Ya’ll start cookin ya’lls dogs some eggs or give ’em a f–kin steak or somethin!”

No one ever said science was pretty, folks.

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[H/T: Catfish Cooley / YouTube]