
Police Reveal Shocking New Details From Inside Tragic Pulse Nightclub Shooting

The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Florida last June was a terrible, terrible tragedy that never […]

The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Florida last June was a terrible, terrible tragedy that never should have happened.

Amidst the fear and chaos of the night, however, the Orlando Police Department emerged as brave beacons of hope and heroism, doing everything within their power to subdue the shooter and save as many people as possible.

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The Orlando Police have officially unveiled a 78-slide PowerPoint presentation on the incident.

The presentation covers where they made the right calls and where things could have improved, and they’re sharing this knowledge with police departments all over the world in an attempt to help save as many lives as possible.

In addition to a timeline of events and specific details on what happened, the Powerpoint includes police body camera footage and crime scene photos.

One very key piece of information revealed is that police were on the scene of the crime within six minutes, and about one minute and 20 seconds after a detective who happened to be at the club called for backup.

That same detective is said to have fired several shots at the shooter but it isn’t clear if any of them hit.

Once they arrived on the scene they were able to get dozens of people to safety and by the time the shooter was down about 300 officers were on the scene making sure everything was secure.

Up Next: Pulse Nightclub Footage Released

The Orlando P.D. did also include that they could’ve better coordinated with the Orlando Fire Department, and are encouraging other police departments to take that into consideration if they encounter situations similar to this.

It’s kind of insane to think that the horrible actions of one man could merit a massive police response like that, but all we can say is that it’s luckily for the surviors the Orlando police were prepared and up to the task of responding so quickly

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