
It Turns Out There Really Is A Whole Lot Of Pee In Public Pools

You shouldn’t have to be told not to pee in the pool unless you’re a toddler or a dog. If you are […]

You shouldn’t have to be told not to pee in the pool unless you’re a toddler or a dog. If you are a toddler or a dog you should (A.) not be cognizant enough of the Internet to be reading this and (B.) not be around a pool without a responsible adult.

If you are one of those responsible adults then you should probably be aware of the disgustingly high level of urine that exists in public pools, if only so you can safely decide if it’s a good idea for you, your toddler and your dog to put your collective faces in them. Buckle in.

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In a study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, the group purports that for every large pool about 20 gallons of the liquid you’re wading around in is actually urine.

When public and hotel pools, and even one residential pool, were tested the discovered results and were pretty surprising, but when they tested Jacuzzis and hot tubs they results floored them. Those contained almost half of what they hold in urine.

Before you swear off taking a dip in the neighbor’s pool for good, however, just know that the group also confirmed that the levels of urine are not harmful in any way. The chemicals in the water break down the urine incredibly fast.

Plus, the average public pool holds anywhere between 13,000 and 15,000 gallons of water, so 20 gallons of pee on there doesn’t seem all that bad by comparison, right?

Think of this way, though… if someone handed you a Route 44 Cherry Limeade from Sonic and then said, “Oh, by the way, there’s one drop of pee in there,” would you still drink it?

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[H/T: BroBible]