
HBO’s Westworld Recap – Live Updates of “Dissonance Theory”

ComicBook.com is recapping the new episode of Westworld, HBO’s ambitious new sci-fi/western […]

ComicBook.com is recapping the new episode of Westworld, HBO’s ambitious new sci-fi/western series. Keep refreshing this scene to keep up with all the action of the new episode.

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The episode opens with one of Bernard’s talks with Dolores. Bernard asks Dolores’ about the previous night’s events, and then offers to remove the pain related to her parents’ death. Dolores responds that the pain is all she has left of her parents. Towards the end of their conversation, Dolores mentions that there might be something “wrong” with their world, a hint that she’s becoming aware of the reality of Westworld. Bernard tells Dolores about the maze, a special “game” that she can play. If Dolores can reach the center of the maze, Bernard tells her that she can finally be free.

Dolores then wakes up in a field, a gun in her hand and William standing close by.

Back in Sweetwater, a group of guests shoot up the saloon where Maeve and Clementine work. Although the Westworld staff clean up the saloon and repair Maeve, she still has a vague recollection that something happened. Returning to her room, she looks at where she was shot. While her body is fine, she notices a drop of blood on her undergarments and realizes her hallucination was real. Maeve draws a quick sketch of the men in containment suits who came to find her, and then goes to hide it…only to discover that she’s drawn the man several times before.

westworld dissonance theory
(Photo: HBO)

Cullen questions Elsie about the rogue host from last episode, which bashed its head in with a rock. Cullen says that QA will take over the investigation of the rogue host, over Elsie’s protests. While Elsie complains to Bernard that there’s clearly a pattern of behavior with the malfunctioning hosts, Bernard quickly shuts down her complaints and says she’s imagining things.

William hands Dolores a coat, and then tells Logan they need to bring her back to Clearwater. Logan thinks that Dolores is just part of the Westworld experience, and says that if the park can give William a sense of purpose, their company needs to up their ownership stake in the park.

The Man in Black and Lawrence are searching for the entrance to the Maze, which the Man in Black wants to discover to find how “Westworld’s story” ends. After the Man in Black sees a woman with an elaborate snake tattoo bathing in the river, he realizes that she must be related to the maze, and quickly offers to join her gang (by killing two of her men).

In Westworld’s control center, Stubbs is alerted that Dolores is deviating from her loop. Stubbs says to flag her and pull her from the park to make sure she’s not exhibiting deviant behavior.

Dolores sees Lawrence’s daughter sitting in the middle of a small town. Lawrence’s daughter to “remember” and points to a drawing of the maze in the dirt. A sheriff (probably someone from Westworld’s staff) immediately walks up with her and tries to take her away, but Dolores refuses. William intervenes and says that Dolores is with him, causing the staffer to leave.

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That night, William asks Dolores where she’s heading, but Dolores isn’t quite sure. She says that she thinks that something is “calling her”, and then she has a hallucination about one of the many times she died and was taken by Westworld’s body men.

Meanwhile, the Man in Black is approached by two guests, who wanted to thank him for the foundation he runs back in the real world, but he immediately shuts them down. He approaches the woman with the snake tattoo and says that he’ll finish the quest she’s on (they’re trying the infamous bandit Hector out of prison), but in return he wants the story behind her tattoo. He then tells her about Arnold (the co-founder of Westworld) and says that he thinks Arnold left a final story, one with real stakes and violence.

The next morning, the Man in Black pulls off his grand prison break by posing as a prisoner and using Lawrence as bait. Lawrence is led to a firing squad, while the Man in Black uses exploding cigars to bust Hector out of their cell. The Man in Black then shoot up the prison and rescues Lawrence before he can be executed.

Having successfully rescued Hector, the Man in Black finds out the backstory on the snake woman’s tattoo. It seems that Wyatt (Teddy’s ex-sargeant) and his men killed her family long ago. Every time she hunts one of Wyatt’s men down, she colors her tattoo with their blood. The Man in Black seems to recognize the name and gives a little smirk.

Maeve and Clementine watch a group of Natives walk through towns. One of the children drops a toy, which reminds Maeve of the Westworld employees in the hazmat suits. Later that day, Clementine mentions that she’s heard of a bandit named Hector who lives in the wilderness with the natives, which gives Maeve an idea about where to head next.

Cullen visits Ford, who is in the middle of middle of excavating a massive amount of land for his new storyline. The board is concerned about the chaos he’s causing and have sent her to check in on him. Ford takes her to a restaurant and shows off his control of the hosts by causing them all to stop in mid-motion, but she doesn’t get intimidated until Ford reveals he knows about Bernard. Ford asks Cullen to stay out of her way and then sends one of his giant earth movers to plow down the restaurant.

William and Logan find their bounty holding up a small farm. They go in guns blazing, although Logan seems to enjoy himself a little too much.

The Man in Black and Lawrence come across Teddy, who’s been tied up to a tree by Wyatt. Teddy asks the Man in Black to kill him, but the Man in Black cuts him down instead.

Logan turns on their sheriff guide when he finds out their bounty has a connection to Alonso, who has “a ticket to the best ride in the park”. When Dolores tries to intervene, Logan threatens to shoot her, but William steps in once again. Logan tries to convince William to go “black hat” with him, but William instead parts way with Logan and takes Dolores with her.

Hector begins his robbery of the Sweetwater saloon, but he’s immediately pulled aside by Maeve. Maeve offers to give him the combination of the safe in exchange for what he knows about the man in hazmat suit. Hector calls the hazmat suits “shades” and say they walk in between worlds. Maeve makes Hector cut her open, so she can see if there’s a bullet fragment from the last time she got shot. The episode ends with Hector pulling out the bullet, which means that Maeve wasn’t hallucinating after all. They begin to make out, as a posse of sheriffs heads into the saloon and shoots them both through the door.