
Emerald City Recap – The Prison of the Abject

Emerald City is NBC’s new take on The Wizard of Oz. We’ll be recapping the entire series each week […]

Emerald City is NBC’s new take on The Wizard of Oz. We’ll be recapping the entire series each week on Friday nights.

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The episode opens with Dorothy pulling her gun out of the Witch’s hand and telling Lucas that she’s going to see the Wizard so he can send her home. The Witch’s gloves also magically appear on Dorothy’s hands.

Meanwhile, Eamonn waits outside the Prison of the Abject, even though the chieftain lied to him and said Dorothy went around the prison.

Glinda arrives at the Emerald City with the Witch of the East’s body. She visits her sister, the Witch of the West, and says that the Wizard has allowed them to bury their sister inside of their (previously closed) sacred temple.

Dorothy, Lucas, and Toto head farther down the Yellow Brick Road and exchange jokes. When Dorothy’s not looking, Lucas clutches his wound and sees that his fingers are covered with blood.

As Eamonn investigates the Prison of the Abject, some of his soldiers plot to kill him and gain the Wizard’s favors.

Lucas inquires into Dorothy’s love life back at home before collapsing due to his wound. Dorothy discovers that he’s septic and says he needs some penicillin. Dorothy gets Lucas to a nearby village, and asks a villager for an apothecary.


At the edge of the village, a witch named Mombi gives a boy named Tip some medicine and says she needs to go to the butcher. When the witch leaves (causing a thick patch of weeds to part in front of the house), Tip uses a slingshot to catch the attention of his neighbor Jack, who immediately tries to cut through the patch of trees.

The Wizard meets Glinda and West and asks them to restore the Prison of the Abject. Glinda says that they can’t recreate East’s magic, so they can’t keep the prison running.

Jack can’t cut through the patch of trees, and he’s forced to flee when Dorothy arrives with Lucas looking for medicine. When Mombi returns to the house, she refuses to help Dorothy until she catches a glimpse of Lucas’s sword.

Mombi gives Tip his medicine and then goes to tend to Dorothy and a recovering Lucas. Mombi reveals that Lucas is carrying one of the Wizard Guard’s swords and that his “home” village was burned by the Wizard.

That evening, one of Eamonn’s soldiers tries to sneak up on him when he’s alone, but he never returns to camp. The other soldiers finds pieces of the soldier scattered around the rocks, and Eamonn claims it must have been lions.

Glinda and West open up the temple to sing their sister to rest, but the Wizard arrives and informs them that he’s opening their ceremony up to the public. Glinda says that the Wizard must be trying to embarass West (who is high on opium) but West says she’ll be “perfect”.

While Mombi is out in the garden, Toto leads Dorothy to Tip’s room. Tip passes Dorothy a message asking for help. Meanwhile, Mombi puts something in Lucas’s tea.

Dorothy confronts Mombi about Tip, but Mombi claims that she’s only trying to protect Tip from the outside world.

The Wizard meets with one of his new assistants (one of Glinda’s “girls”) and invites her to attend East’s funeral with him. West shows up at the funeral obviously unwell and then goes rogue in the middle of the funeral. While everyone is distracted during the ceremony by a gaggle of writhing girls, West pulls the magic out of East and swallows it. When they’re alone, West spits up East’s magic spells into a jar for Glinda.

Lucas asks if Dorothy thinks less of him now that she knows he was a guard, and starts to foam at the mouth because of Mombi’s poison. Dorothy saves him by forcing Lucas to drink a tea made of charcoal, and then grabs Lucas’s sword to confront Mombi. Instead of killing her, she uses the sword to bar Mombi’s door and then frees Tip.

Tip and Jack make their getaway, while Mombi busts down the door with magic. Mombi attacks Dorothy and tries to force her to swallow some poison, but Lucas stabs Mombi through the chest with his sword and then uses a kettle to bash her head in.

Tip and Jack celebrate their newfound freedom in the woods, even though Tip’s worried he’ll need Mombi’s medicine to survive.

Glinda watches the Wizard’s soldiers seal her temple before leaving the Emerald City. Before leaving, the Wizard reminds her that he killed “Mother South”, thus preventing any more witches from being born in Oz, and has one of his Eternal Soldiers ready to destroy the witch’s temple at his command.

Lucas tries to apologize to Dorothy by telling knock knock jokes, but she’s still freaked out by his brtual attack earlier. However, since Lucas isn’t a witch, it turns out that Mombi is still alive.

The episode ends with Jack waking up and seeing a girl running away with Tip’s jacket. When Jack catches up to her, he discovers the girl is actually Tip, complete with long hair!