The episode begins with the Wizard departing the Emerald City with his army. He tells Eamonn that he’s heading to Ev to retrieve his arsenal of weapons and then going north to crush Glinda and her witches. Eamonn is left behind to watch over the city.
West tells Tip that she’s the same age as Ozma, the supposedly dead princess of Oz. West theorizes that someone turned Tip into a boy to hide her from the Wizard. She then tells Tip that she was born for greater things, grabs her, and then flies away.
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Dorothy is trapped in a room with a very pregnant woman at Glinda’s fortress. The woman offhandedly mentions that Lucas/Rowan is Glinda’s husband.
Sure enough, Glinda and Rowan are catching up in Glinda’s bedroom. Glinda quickly figures out that Rowan and Dorothy were an item while traveling together. Rowan says that he can’t be held responsible for his actions while his memory was wiped, so Glinda strips down to make sure he knows exactly who he is.

The pregnant woman tells Dorothy that the Wizard is the real Beast Forever before Lucas arrives. He warns Dorothy that he needs to convinced Glinda that she’s not a threat. Dorothy tries to appeal to Lucas and reminds him of their time together, but he gets upset and storms out. Later, we see Lucas sleeping with Glinda, but it’s clear that Dorothy’s words have gotten to him.
Glinda leads Sylvie into a classroom with other girls so she can develop her skills. Sylvie (whose real name is Leith) asks about Dorothy, but Glinda locks her in the classroom and then tells her assistant that she wants Dorothy gone.
The assistant walks into Dorothy’s cell and finds Dorothy tending to the pregnant woman. The baby is breech and Dorothy says she’ll need help delivering the baby.
Jack wakes up in Ev’s bed and is tended to by two servants. They offer to feed, bathe, and oil his old parts.
West takes Tip to the crypts beneath their old chamber. She gives Tip East’s magic spells and tells Tip to drink them. West says that no one has ever consumed another witch’s spells, but Tip drinks them anyways. Tip collapses and has a flashback to her parents getting killed by the Wizard and Eamonn (who is dressed in lion’s skin). Tip then stops breathing, much to West’s dismay.
Tip tries to see Ev, but she promptly kicks him out of her throne room.
Sylvie sees Lucas in a dining hall and tries to hug him, but he tells her to eat and walks away. The other girls start to tease her and pull her food away, causing Sylvie to get upset.
Glinda arrives into Dorothy’s cell and watches as Dorothy tries to deliver the woman’s baby. Lucas arrives (having heard screaming) and gives Dorothy her knife to help the procedure. The woman successfully gives birth, Lucas and Dorothy exchange a knowing look, and Glinda promptly kicks Lucas out of the room.
West drops Tip’s body into the waters at the bottom of the crypts.
Later that day, Glinda asks Lucas what he felt during the birth. He said that he felt alone because he was neither with Glinda or with Dorothy. Glinda says that war is coming and that his life (or death) depends on which side she chooses.
Jack returns to Jane’s workshop and finds out that she’s been fired for refusing to help Ev make guns.
Glinda shows Dorothy a room full of witches who couldn’t handle their powers. Glinda tells Dorothy to find a way to save them, since she’s supposedly a healer.
The girls continue to tease Sylvie by moving her bowl around, but Sylvie uses her abilities to move her bowl back. She then uses her powers to move all the other girls’ bowls, which causes the girls to laugh and cheer.
West arrives at Glinda’s castle and begs Glinda to let her see their mother. Glinda tells West that Mother South wanted West to be her heir, but Glinda refuses to tell her where she is.
Ev and Jack argue over how Ev uses everyone around her. Jack claims that Ev can’t just treat people like they’re property, but Ev claims that’s the only way to ensure that they’re actually hers. To prove her point, Ev releases Jack and asks if he’ll abandon her like everyone else.
Dorothy tries to help the broken witches when Lucas brings another witch to see her. Dorothy says that while she’s accepted losing Lucas, she refuses to lose Sylvie too. East’s gloves materialize on her hands, and she immediately charges out of the room to kill Glinda. Dorothy finds Glinda in bed and uses magic to strangle the witch with her own sheets. Lucas convinces Dorothy to stop before she kills Glinda, but he doesn’t go after her when she runs away.
When Dorothy finds Sylvie, Sylvie refuses to come with her. Meanwhile, Glinda berates Lucas for not killing Dorothy, but Lucas begs Glinda to make him stop loving Dorothy. Instead, Glinda says that he needs to kill Dorothy. Meanwhile, Dorothy and Toto flee from Glinda’s castle.
Jack leaves Ev’s castle, just in time to see Ev’s guards pull their guns on the approaching Wizard. The Wizard seems surprised that Ev has betrayed them.
West heads back to the witch’s sanctuary and tries to kill herself by slitting her wrists. However, before she dies, Tip walks up to her and says that consuming East’s magic worked.