The reality show Dance Moms focused on the dancing studio run by Abby Lee Miller, training a young generation of dancers as they honed their skills. The pressure put on the girls to perform to the best of their abilities made the show fall under some criticism, but the biggest controversy was Miller’s handling of funds received from the show. The reality star withheld the funds she received from the show, resulting in charges of bankruptcy fraud, concealment of bankruptcy assets, and false bankruptcy declarations. Despite these charges, Miller caught a slight break in the case that will delay her punishment.
Miller was scheduled to appear in court on February 24 when the hearing was mysteriously canceled. A judge has set a new court date of March 8 for the sentencing, which could result in up to two and a half years in prison. Regardless of the outcome of that sentencing, Miller now has two more weeks of guaranteed freedom.
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Miller had pleaded guilty to the charges, but in the event that her attorneys need more time to argue her case, another hearing could be held on March 9 to continue the sentencing.
The delay has allowed Miller the opportunity to travel to Mexico the week prior to sentencing for “business purposes.”
Season 7 of Dance Moms just finished shooting, with rumors that some footage for Season 8 has already been filmed in the chance that Miller will soon be headed to prison.
Miller’s justifications for not revealing the $750,000+ she made off of Dance Moms was that she was overwhelmed by the show’s success and didn’t know how to handle it. Miller is a first-time offender, which leans in favor of her merely being sentenced to parole, but the Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Melucci claims Miller withheld that income and “intended to cause harm” to her creditors.
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[H/T Deadline]