
Charlie Sheen Makes Bold Statement On Twitter About Who 2016 Should Take Next

Charlie Sheen didn’t mince words when saying which celebrity he thinks that 2016 should claim […]

Charlie Sheen didn’t mince words when saying which celebrity he thinks that 2016 should claim next. After Hollywood legends Carrie Fisher, and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, passed away earlier this week, the 51-year-old actor explained that he hopes President-elect Donald Trump will be next.

On Wednesday night, Sheen tweeted: “Dear God; Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please!” He ended the post with a middle finger emoji.

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As you might imagine, the Two and a Half Men star’s tweet was met with a mixed reaction from his 11.8 million followers. Some social media users were outraged by Sheen’s comment while others supported his opinions.

“Wishing someone’s death is bad karma,” Twitter user JohoStu wrote. “What comes around…”

Twitter user Dren Driew was in agreement with Sheen’s wishes.

Driew tweeted: “A-f***ing-men! That would balance things out quite nicely. @charliesheen.”

Sheen isn’t the only celebrity recently to receive social media backlash about a celebrity death tweet. Earlier this month, former House actress Lisa Edelstein sparked outrage for a tweet following the death of Growing Pains star Alan Thicke.

Edelstein wrote: “RIP Alan Thicke. Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpapoclypse.”

Edelstein was met with a wide range of responses after sending out the tweet, much like Charlie Sheen.

Putting aside the futile discussion regarding which celebrity should die next, it’s undeniable that the year 2016 has seen the death of many of the world’s most beloved actors, musicians, and other popular figures.

Earlier this year, iconic singers such as Prince and David Bowie passed away. Just this week, Hollywood legends Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds died only one day apart.

While Sheen and Edelstein didn’t exactly post touching tributes to the recently fallen stars, there were a slew of celebrities that did pen heartfelt responses to the death of Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Alan Thicke, and others.

What are your thoughts about Charlie Sheen saying which celebrity he hopes will die next this year?

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[H/T Twitter: Charlie Sheen]