
Amy Duggar Reveals Horrible, Graphic Comparison About Love Life With Husband Dillon King

On the reality show Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, celebrity couple tackle their relationship […]

On the reality show Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, celebrity couple tackle their relationship woes for the home audience to see, no matter how ugly the details are that emerge. During a heated argument between 19 Kids and Counting alums Amy Duggar and husband Dillon King, Amy revealed just how traumatic some of his behaviors are and how it feels as terrible as sexual assault.

Towards the end of last night’s episode, Amy and Dillon found themselves back in their bedroom and began a heated discussion. During the heated argument, Amy exclaimed, “It sucks being treated like a child!” at Dillon in response to his tone. Dillon dismissed Amy’s claims and said she was just being “overdramatic,” causing Amy to go nuclear.

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Amy shouted back, “When you treat me like a child, I feel like I’m being raped by an older man!” Yikes, that’s truly an awful way to describe a relationship and makes you wonder if the couple will be able to bounce back from things.

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These words came after a dramatic episode, filled with the couple, and others, trying to work out their differences. Early on in the episode, during another argument, Amy told Dillon, “I swear, if that’s how you talk, I don’t know if this is going to work,” which was clearly only a taste of tensions to come.

During an exercise in which the couple was supposed to determine which of the two was more at fault for flaws within the marriage, and the duo both claimed that Dillon was to blame for a breakdown in communication. Dillon claimed his issues were “subconscious” in hopes of accepting responsibility, but Amy replied by shouting, “That’s worse!”

Some of the other participants on the show said they’d never tolerate being spoken to the way Dillon spoke to Amy, describing the relationship as Amy being Dillon’s “employee.”

Dillon ended up taking a pie to the face during a slightly more lighthearted exercise and he said, “I think I have a tone of some kind.” Hopefully these are the first steps towards the couple getting things back on track.

Do you think there’s hope for Amy and Dillon’s relationship? Let us know in the comments!

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[H/T Us Weekly]