
A Python Decided To Chow Down On A Wallaby On An Australian Golf Course

It sounds like the Australian animal kingdom got envious of the kangaroo who got punched by a man […]

It sounds like the Australian animal kingdom got envious of the kangaroo who got punched by a man trying to rescue his dog and they’ve stepped up their game. A group of golfers putted around a golf course in Cairns in north Queensland when they stumbled upon a sight that reminded them of mother nature’s cruelty.

Robert Willemse made the grim discovery of a wallaby caught in the jaws of a python, like a terrifying version of mini golf. Willemse moved on to the next hole, but said, “I heard later on…as other golfers and staff members came out to have a look at it, that it did actually succeed in swallowing it all and then it rolled into a dry creek nearby and slithered away into the bush, probably to digest its rather large meal.”

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The golfer said it’s not uncommon to see wallabies on the grounds, due to its location, but he’s never seen one in quite a deadly situation. The scrub python is known to exceed 20 feet in length, and Willemse surmises the reptile dropped from a tree onto its prey.

Although the sight is quite dramatic, odds are the python won’t gain as much fame as the aforementioned kangaroo, unless of course, someone punches it.

[H/T Yahoo]

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