Woman Brutally Murdered By Ex When Trying To Return Engagement Ring

Warning: Graphic content.A 27-year-old woman from Detroit named Julia Martin was brutally murdered [...]

Warning: Graphic content.

A 27-year-old woman from Detroit named Julia Martin was brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend when she attempted to return her engagement ring.

Julia's father, Derrick Martin, told the Chicago Tribune that nearly six months ago Julia had ended her engagement with her boyfriend of the past three years.

(Photo: Facebook / Julia Martin)

On Friday night, Julia Martin's ex, Rodney Harvey, came over to collect the engagement ring. When Harvey arrived at Martin's apartment in the 3000 block of South King Drive, he forced open the door and stabbed her repeatedly before jumping off the building to his own death, according to the police.

Before she passed away, Martin attempted to save her own life. Around 7 p.m., she grabbed her phone to call the police. She requested that an ambulence be sent to her apartment, and also communicated to the authorities the name of the man who stabb her.

Martin also called her father.

On Monday, Derrick Martin recalled, "Not only did she call me, she texted me while she was going through all this." He continued, "She was calling everybody, saying that she wanted help. She called another friend and she was panting over the phone, trying to get her breath. He thought it was a prank and he hung up on her. He feels so bad."

Julia was taken to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. She was pronounced dead at 7:37 p.m. due to multiple sharp force injuries.

Rodney Harvey, 35, was pronounced dead at the same hospital at 7:18 p.m. with his death being ruled as a suicide.

Mratin was a Michigan State graduate, and a human resources supervisor at a local architecture firm. She had a younger sister named Jasmin Martin, 22.

Recently, Derrick Martin has had to bury his mother, father, brother, and now his daughter.

"I just pray, I just ask God to give me strength," he said. "It's like he keeps taking people that's close to me and I don't know why. You can't question God, you just figure there's a plan. And you pray."

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Martin family at this difficult time.

[H/T Chicago Tribune]