This FSU Wide Receiver Made A Kid's Day By Sitting With Him At Lunch

(Video: ESPN)Travis Rudolph is a Florida State wide receiver who was visiting Montford Middle [...]

(Video: ESPN)

Travis Rudolph is a Florida State wide receiver who was visiting Montford Middle School in Tallahassee, Florida when he saw a young boy sitting by himself at lunchtime. Rudolph made his way over, and set up shop at the lunch table with young Bo Paske, a child with autism.

Bo's mom, Leah, was blown away at what happened at school that day. She was getting all of the information secondhand, but was thrilled that her son was having such a great day at school.

Rudolph thoroughly enjoyed the good conversation with Bo at lunch and was glad he could help brighten someone's day, according to ESPN:

I was just a kid not too long ago and I remember what the impact was of guys that played in college and in the NFL coming back to us. So I feel like maybe I can change someone's life or I can make someone a better person or make someone want to be great or be like me, or even better.

We're glad Bo got to have this experience with Rudolph, as it should be something that happens more often.

[H/T ESPN, Facebook]