This 9-Week-Old Baby Has A Full Head Of Hilarious Elvis Hair

At only 9 weeks old, this baby has been turning heads wherever he goes because of his amazing [...]

At only 9 weeks old, this baby has been turning heads wherever he goes because of his amazing bouffant hairdo.

Most babies that are the same age as Junior Cox-Noon only have a wisp of feathery hair on their heads. However, Junior came out of the womb with a thick head full of hair.

(Photo: Mirror Pix)

Junior's mother, Chelsea Noon (32), told Daily Mail, "All the midwives and health visitors said it would fall out because baby hair usually comes out when they rub their head on the back of the cot, but he hasn't lost any of it and it has grown."

Junior was born at Brighton General Hospital on July 30. He weighed in at 10 lbs and has been given the nickname "Baby Bear."

Chelsea Noon, who is a hairdresser from Brighton, explained that she is stopped by almost everyone that lays on Junior any time she takes him with her out on the town.

"When I take him with me on the weekly shop in Asda everyone does a double-take and says, 'Oh My God, look at the baby's hair,' and theyhave to touch it. He doesn't seem to mind and gets a little smirk on his face."

Noon also mentioned that people are always asking her if she is going to give Junior's enviable mane a trim. "People say to me are you going to cut it, but it's too unique so I'm going to leave it as it is."

Interestingly enough, Noon's other sons, Mitchell (6) and Preston (4), were not born with a rocking hairdo like Junior.

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(Photo: MirrorPix)

While pregnant with Junior, Noon reported having severe heartburn. This story perhaps gives more credibility to the old wives' tale that the more heartburn that a pregnant woman has, the hairier her child will be.

Chelsea must have had experienced truly excrutiating heartburn because baby Junior has more hair than most newborn babies ever!

Have you seen a newborn baby with this much hair?

[H/T The Sun, Daily Mail]