Subway Therapy Helps New Yorkers Express Election Woes Using Post-It Notes

Who would have thought you could find therapy while waiting for a train? After the stressful 2016 [...]

Who would have thought you could find therapy while waiting for a train? After the stressful 2016 election, one therapist took to the New York subway to help voters express their feelings with the outcome of the election.

If you were to walk into the 14th Street tunnel between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, you'd see the long white tiled wall covered with colorful post-it notes. The notes were written brought to the station by a therapist, named Levee, who wanted to help others by encouraging them to write out their feelings about the election and post it to the wall.

"Because of how stressful the last couple of days were, I thought it would be nice to have something that people could do really quickly so that they could maybe get something off their chest," said levee.

What is being called Subway Therapy is simple, write how you are feeling on the post it and leave it there for others to see. Many of the messages address people's concern about what is going to happen over the next four years, while others simple express their anger at the outcome.

More than 1,500 people have participated, leaving their notes where anyone can see.

[H/T Gothamist]