Hillary Clinton Supporter Has Epic Meltdown On Live Television

Many Americans were shocked by the results of Tuesday's Presidential election. Most of Hillary [...]

Many Americans were shocked by the results of Tuesday's Presidential election. Most of Hillary Clinton's supporters were disheartened, but others were just straight up angry. Take for example this one man interviewed on CNN. He was all kinds of fired up and had an epic meltdown on live television.

"There needs to be a call to action," the man said. "I need Hillary to stand up right now and sue the United States of America and say, back when black people couldn't vote...how many years ago your vote would've been one third. Guess what, today it still is!" the man said to the interviewer.

The reporter then says to the enraged man: "So you don't feel like this was a fair election? Because it looks like Donald Trump won fair and square."

"How did he win fair and square?" the man said. "Hillary had more votes. More human beings voted for Hillary. This isn't fair."

He was clearly not a fan of the Electoral college. "Just count the votes, it's ridiculous."

"Hillary you're a lawyer, walk in, go to the Supreme Court," the man said "I believe in you Hillary."

"This country needs you to stand up and walk in to the Supreme Court, and say one vote equals one vote," the man said in conclusion. "What's wrong with that? What's the debate?"

Check out the video above to see the full clip of the man going on a wild rant about Hillary Clinton not winning the presidency.

This guy wasn't the only person who was distraught after Tuesday's election. A slew of celebrities voiced their opinions on social media regarding their outrage at the results. Miley Cyrus shared a tearful video on Twitter saying how upset she was. Lady Gaga protested at Trump Tower. Also, famed screenwriter Aaron Sorkin penned a letter to his wife and daughter in which he totally lambasted Donald Trump, and vowed to fight for what he felt like was the right direction of the country.

What are your thoughts on this man's epic meltdown while talking about Hillary Clinton on live television?

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[H/T Twitter: Mike Tunison]